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What was the rsult of her genius

desarroll tcnicas para el aislamiento de isotopos radioactivos e investig el uso
de la radiactividad con fines medicinales.

2. How long it took her to achieve genius

Limitada por un pas que la forzaba a estudiar en la clandestinidad por el simple hecho de
ser mujer, a los 24 aos (1891) decidi mudarse a Pars. All estudi Fsica y
Matemticas en laUniversidad de Pars
En 1903 defendi su tesis doctoral titulada Investigaciones sobre las sustancias
radioactivas, trabajo que le vali el grado de doctor con mencin cum laude y el Premio
Nobel de Fsica en 1903 (compartido con su marido Pierre Curie y su director de tesis
Henri Becquerel)

3. What she did

descubri dos nuevos elementos qumicos radioactivos (el polonio y el radio)

4. Where and when she lived

Maria Salomea Skodowska-Curie, conocida habitualmente como Marie
Curie (Varsovia, Zarato de Polonia, 7 de noviembre de1867-Passy, Francia, 4 de
julio de 1934)

5. Why she is considered a genius

Ser la primera persona en recibir dos Premios Nobel y la nica en hacerlo en dos
especialidades cientficas distintas: Fsica (1903) y Qumica (1910).

6. How she achieved success

Trabajan da y noche, sin apenas comer. Trabajan tanto que empiezan a

sufrir de fatiga: Pierre pasa una poca en cama y Marie, pese a padecer
fiebre, sigue trabajando, sigue luchando. Todava no son conscientes
de los peligros de la radiactividad.

marie curie was the first woman to win a Nobel prize, first in
chemistry and then in physics. she was born in Poland then she
moved to France in 1981 because in that time women had to support

unfair conditions, for example they could not study. she must have
studied hard around 12 years, and also she was very persistent which
took her to win Nobel prize in chemistry, thanks her doctoral thesis
too, becoming in an important part of the women`s history and the
she and her husband, pierre curie, who was an expert in physics; they
worked so hard every day, they even forgot to eat, without
conscience of the damage of the radioactivity, it might be a reason of
the diseases that the couple would suffer in the future.
the principal reason why she was transformed in a genius was that
she discovered two new chemical elements, polonium and radium;
even she developed a new technique to separate radioactive
isotopes. her investigations should serve to use the radioactivity in
so, she is an icon of the woman in the science and the society, not
only because she won a Nobel prize but rather she demonstrated the
women can discover amazing things

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