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Palm Print of Destiny

Benazir Bhutto
T Stokes, U.K

Born on Geminis cusp, June 21st 1953

Her karma was intertwined with that of Pakistan.
This print was taken after a University debate at Oxford and was the subject of much
Astrological analysis and debate in the Indo/ Pak sub continent.
(1) Her handprint shows an intuitive, intellectual and artistic communicator, as most
Geminis are.
(2) Experts in Dast Shanus, say when the fate line starts from the first bracelet, a fated or
predestined life is inferred, and this is confirmed at the start of the lifeline, these small
marks, often called the lines of demarcation give clues to the life to be lived, and the
nature of its lessons. Muslims call this Quada wa Quada
(3) Surprisingly a nervous and shy child, several childhood illnesss show here as upper
respiratory infections, such as bronchitis, chest inflammation and sore throats up until
the age of 12
(4) At age 18 we have signs that romance is considered a lot at this time, first love and a
feeling that someone on an intellectual par is paramount, this period climaxes at age 22,
this first flush of romantic feelings is seen in Tibetan palmistry as crucial to the
developing romantic infrastructure.
(5) The need for education leads to her spending much time at Oxford and Harvard
where she was a well known speaker and author, she is remembered for being engrossed
in political theories and her strong feelings of long term karma.
Her eloquence and beauty made her a big star in the West, she knew her destiny lay with
her people in Pakistan, and she and her mother endured the execution of her father and
many terms of imprisonment.
(6) Exiled to Britain in 1986, she married Asif Ali Zadari in an arranged ceremony in
1987, and was elected as P.M at the age of 35 in 1988.
Accusations began and rumours of bribes for contracts.
Her 20 years abroad, meant her Urdu was poor and it was known she had attended
college parties and Christian meetings, this was construed by some as abandoning her
heritage, and in trying to please everybody, she may have spread herself too thin.

In Hindu palmistry, Gods rule different fingers, and she in later years began wearing a
gold ring on her right hand first finger, this, the finger of external ego, shows she really
believed she was returning to power in her homeland.
(7) Saturn afflicts her sun line echoed on the line of life, so from 1999 she is on borrowed
time, this coincides with her fateful Saturn year age 44 and is an omen of what may
She asserts that when she is again in power, she will press for civilian rule
Statistically, studies show the 44th year to be the most catastrophic in the lives of many,
and the year when depression can be at its height.
Remember that all India fought very bravely for Britain in W.W.II yet Winston
Churchill refused to help in the Indian famine that killed millions, while sending huge
amounts of help to the Soviets who were our intelligence services said;
more dangerous to Britain that Germany The alleged C.I.A murder of General Zia made
many people unhappy with the thought of outside interference, and puppet rulers.
(8) The line colliding with the life line at age 54 tells of an assault on the life energies at
that time, and the line after that point is weak.
Some palmists claim you cannot see the future as the lines change, and some lines do
actually change but usually in the second character only, the lines are indelibly printed on
the hand from the first few weeks in the womb.
This is a simplified palmascope for easy digestion; a full analysis is available, using
Hindu, Muslim and Tibetan techniques, with western analysis.
A great leader from a great family, her death has left a huge gaping wound across the
world, her political shoes will be hard to fill.
Psychologists tell us that men hear the laughter of a beautiful woman as sweet music, her
music will play for me, for a very long time
Happy Palmistry

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