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Cell Studies—Covenant

The Hebrew word for Covenant is “Berit”, which simply means a treaty between two parties. The
Covenant that God made with us is a treaty between a Sovereign King and a more inferior party. This
is in contrast with a treaty between two equal parties.

One of the first covenants mentioned in the Bible is the covenant between God and Abraham. The
Apostle Paul made it clear that because we are part of that covenant:

“If you belong to Christ, you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise”
Gal 3:29

Several steps are involves in the cutting of the covenant:

 Exchange of robe/coat which signifies an exchange of identity. Gal 3:26-27 says ‘all of you
who are baptised into Christ have clothes yourselves with Christ”

 Exchange of belt and weapon (ref 1 Sam 18:1-4). This signifies an exchange of strength,
support and protection. What is mine is now yours. Imagine what this implies if you enter
into a covenant with one of the richest man on planet earth, Bill Gates. And now imagine
being in covenant with the one who owns the entire universe

 It’s a blood covenant. Life must be given and blood must be shed for the covenant to be
valid. This speaks of dying to self and giving up our rights.

 Then they would hold hands. Thus the blood will be mixed. This speaks of intermingling of
our lives

 An Exchange of name now takes place. God became the God of Abraham whereas Abram
became Abraham incorporating the “H” from “YHWH”.

 A scar remains. In the Old Testament, this speaks of circumcision.

 Finally, there is the exchange of terms and a memorial meal.

Can you give some examples of treaties in our modern world?
If all that belongs to God now belong to you, how would that change the way you handle finance?
Paul says when we are baptised, we have clothed ourselves with Christ. What does that mean on a
day to day basis?
The blood covenant speaks of the giving of life and dying to self. In what area do you struggle most
in terms of dying to self?

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