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0 Case Law
Case law is made by the decisions in court cases following the doctrine of precedent which provides decisions
as authority for other judges to follow to ensure uniformity, fairness and certainty.
The case laws that are relevant to the offer and acceptance law include:
Harvela Investments Ltd v Royal Trust Company of Canada (CI) Ltd [1986] 2 parties are invited to make a
sealed competitive bids for shares, with the promised to accept the highest offer. This is an example of tender
offer with the promised to accept the most competitive bid.
Dickinson v Dodds [1876] the offeror doesnt have to give notice of revocation and the offeree must
communicate with the offeror to accept the offer. However if both parties have dealt with each other previously
and have establish arrangements whereby offer is taken to be accepted if not promptly rejected, silence may
not amount to a rejection.
Pharmaceutical Society (GB) v Boots Cash Chemists (Southern) Ltd [1952] This is a classic example of
invitation to treat, with the customers offered to buy and it is up to the store whether to accept their offers or
not. Client can choose to accept or decline the offer, even to the lowest tender.

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