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1. For that reason he returned late.

2. I paid $20 for the shirt.
3. They pay me twice a month.
4. I leave for Madrid every weekend.
5. I was about to leave when you arrived.
6. The bus goes 100 kilometers per hour.
7. I study really hard in order to learn a lot.
8. That book is for Manuel.
9. I fell because of the ice.
10.To make a paella, first saut (sofra) the meat.
11.I didn't vote for anyone.
12.Did you send me the money by mail?
13.He gave me $10 for the book.
14.The book was written by Octavio Paz.
15.Do you have something for me?
16.The bulls run through the streets.
17.Fidel spoke for 4 hours.
18.Can you work for me?
19.This gift is for you.
20.Thanks for the help.
21.I prefer to communicate bad new by mail.
22.You work for me! Remember?
23.Let's go to the beach to swim.
24.I'll give you $50 for your pants.
25.The train is about to leave.
26.For a child, he reads very well.
27.The stone house was built by the Incas.
28.He will do it by Monday.
29.The man left for Madrid yesterday.
30.Two times two equals four.
31.One can see the stars at night.
32.Andrs took the plane for Barcelona.
33.I go to the restaurant 5 times a week.
34.The man died for lack of water.
35.I need the dress by Monday.
36.The student went for the pencil.
37.A house costs at least $30,000.
38.This glass is for wine.
39.I arrived late because of the traffic.
40.I'll come by for you at 8:00.
41.We walk by the park.

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