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Student Centered Technology

Every day, teachers must use pre-assessments to make decisions in their classroom.
Differentiating instruction is essential for each students development to ensure they are
being properly challenged; using technology as a tool to facilitate this development is
tremendous to their education (Pendergrass, 2013). The classroom Comprehensive
Technology Plan will include video games, the Tumblr app, and a classroom web page.
Each technology provides differentiated instruction to the students as they are all at
different levels.
Technology to Differentiate Instruction
Name of Technology Tool:
Educational video games will be used in the classroom with a variety of uses.
Researchers have argued that efforts should be made to raise teachers and parents
awareness of the potential education benefits of playing video games. (Turkay, Hoffman, &
Kinzer, p. 3, 2014). With the help of video games, students can be quickly analyzed of their
understanding of any subject material. With these results, teachers are hen able to assess
the children to determine which require extra attention, which require just a little extra
lesson, and which have mastered the subject. Results are instantly available and a great
way to kick off a lesson. Video games, as an education tool, are also accessible for all levels
and lessons, and can be customized for each students needs.
ISTE Standards
In connection with the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for
Students (NETS-S), the use of this tool in classroom addresses section 2: communication

and collaboration (a, d); and section 4: critical thinking, problem solving, and decision
making (a, b, d). Video games are often played in a group setting, or individually, and give
students the opportunity to play against the peers or students from other classrooms. In
group settings, each student contributes their portion to have one successful end result.
Video games also strengthen critical thinking and decision making skills with games
formatted specifically to enhance those skills.
Name of Technology Tool:
Apps are increasingly popular and have been created to meet nearly every need. The
Tumblr app, is a free platform that enables anyone to express themselves in a fun and
creative method. Using Tumblr in the classroom allows students to post their work, select
from various themes or backgrounds, change fonts and sizes, and to receive feedback from
anyone using the app. Students will be on different levels when using this app because of
the many features it has available to customize each post, but will still be able to share
their posts with the world.
ISTE Standards
Tumblr being used by students to post poetry and other assignments, is aligned
with the ISTE State Standard section 1: Creativity and innovation (a, b, d); and section 2:
communication and collaboration (a, b, c, d). Students are able to express themselves in a
modern and relatable way with their peers. Parental engagement is also increased when
social media is used as a way to display student work. Communication to the masses helps
to develop cultural understanding and allows the students to produce and display original

Name of Technology Tool:

In todays world, children must know how to use the Internet efficiently and quickly.
More and more innovative teachers have begun using a classroom website to interact and
provide guidance outside of classroom hours. Paula Johnson explains how classroom
websites make it possible for teachers to showcase their students work to a wide audience
and involve parents and the community as partners in the learning process. As the
Internet approaches the distinction as societys most used resource, teachers will
increasingly come to rely on their classroom sites to meet many of their instructional needs.
(Holcomb, Castek, & Johnson, p.1, 2007). Living in an informational society, K-12
curriculum should include technologies that prepare and teach children how to access and
find information. (Holcomb, Castek, & Johnson, p.1, 2007). Students are at all different
stages of learning in respect to the Internet and website usage. The more exposure they
have to both, they are receiving great practice for real-world situations. For example,
accessing information regarding homework assignments on the classroom web page is a
great way to teach children to seek out and find information.
ISTE Standards
A classroom website is a great tool for teaching students to use the Internet to seek
information. Of the ISTE State Standards, it satisfies section 3: research and information
fluency (b, c, d); and section 4: critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making (b, c,
d). Problem solving and decision making skills are exercised by students anytime they
access the classroom website because they have to determine where to find the information

they are seeking. They also are able to post information on the website as well which
requires a certain level of skill.
Pros and Cons
A benefit of using technology to differentiate instruction is that it is a great way to
get a fast and quick result, especially with the use of computer games or quizzes to separate
children into groups determined by testing results. The adaptations made in the midst of
instruction are an important aspect of differentiation that is frequently overlooked or
discouraged. (Parsons, Dodman, & Burrowbridge, p.38, 2013). Using technology for
differentiating instruction builds on important skills needed to be successful in a
technology-based society. It is highly beneficial for students at all levels to use technology
as a tool in education and at all skill levels. There are no negative aspects of using
technology as a tool in determining instruction at different levels. Concluding Paragraph
Technology is an outstanding platform to use as a tool in differentiating instruction
in the classroom. The benefits are countless and enable the children to be competitive in a
healthy manner, better equipped to function in society, and build on skills sets they already
possess. In a technology-based society, it is imperative that children are receiving
instruction from a plethora of sources outside of conventional teaching. Teachers must
think outside of the box to remain relevant and to reach students who are accustomed to
technology use in the majority of their daily lives. Education-based video games,
applications such as Tumblr, and classroom websites, are all innovative ways to reach

students at whichever level they are at, and in a way that excites, engages, and connects
them to the endless possibilities that lie within technology and education.

Holcomb, L.B., Castek, J.M., & Johnson, P.R. (2007). Unlocking the potential of K-12
classroom websites to enhance learning. New England Reading Association Journal,
43 (1), 36-43.
Parsons, S.A., Dodman, S.L., & Burrowbridge, S.C. (2013). Broadening the view of
differentiated instruction. The Phi Delta Kappan, (1). 38.
Pendergrass, E. (2013). Differentiation: It starts with pre-assessment. Education
Leadership: Getting Students to Mastery (vol. 71)
Turkay, S., Hoffman, D., Kinzer, C.K., Chantes, P., Vicari, C. (2014). Toward understanding
the potential of games for learning: learning theory, game design characteristics, and
situation video games in classrooms. Computers in the Schools, 31(1/2), 2-22.

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