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EMERGENCY PROCEDURES TEACHER-CLASSROOM CHECKLIST ¢ Where are the exits (how many are there?) Doors & Windows? ¢ Can you lock the doors? If you are in an open classroom, can you move to a closed one? Is there a direct exit outside? e Is there a closet, meeting room or enclosed room to put students in? Are there items you can barricade the doors with? Such as desks, file cabinets, book cases, & boxes. e Are there desks, tables, and file cabinets that can be tipped over to hide behind? Is there a telephone in the room? Do you have a cell phone in the room? Is there a fire extinguisher in the room? Can you pull the blinds or shade down? ¢ Can you shut the lights off? Teachers that work in more than one classroom should also go over this list for each of their rooms.

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