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Indios Bravos

American indians, these red-skinned indians were proudly

riding their sturdy ponies, elegantly dressed in their
native attire and wearing their war feathers and paints.
Kidlat club into Indios bravos brave indians
Its members pledged to excel in intellectual and physical
prowess in order to win the admiration of the foriegners,
particularly the Spaniards. They practiced with great
enthusiasm the use of the sword and pistol. Rizal taught
them JUDO, an Asian art of self defense,

R.D.L.M. Society

Universal exposition of 1889.

2 letters of rizal to his fellow propagandist
that mentioned this secret society
1. Rizals letters to jose maria basa, paris
september 21, 1889.
2. Rizals letter to marcelo H. del pilar, paris,
november 4 1889.

Dr. leoncio lopez rizal{grandnephew of the

The society has a symbol or countersign
represented by a circle divided into three parts
by two semi-circles having the center the
interlocked letters I and B meaning INDIOS
BRAVOS, and the letters R.D.L.M. placed
outside an upper, lower, left and right sides of
the circle.

R.D.L.M. is redencion de los malayos

{redemption of the malays}

Gregorio aguilera,


Jose ma. Basa,

julio Llorente,
marcelo H. del pilar,
Mariano ponce,
Baldomero roxas
and father maria changco(filipino

Aims of R.D.L.M.

The propogation of all useful knowledge

the Philippines.
The redemption of the malay race.

The Book

Max havelaar (1860) written by


Multatuli-(Pseudonym of E.D.
Dekker, Dutch author.)

The Letter

Rizal writing to blumentritt from

HongKong on february 23, 1892,
revealed his intention to be a
leader of freedom if not in the
phillipines, then in other lands in

The Letter Again

I shall not be a planter(plantador) but the
leader(caudillo) of the planter who are thinking of
emigrating there with me. I feel flattered by, the idea
that I can still serve my country with my pen. You
know very well that always, at all times, I am ready to
serve my fatherland not only with my pen, but also
with my life whenever my fatherland would demand
this sacrifice. But as I see that I am getting old, my
ideals and dreams are fading; if it is possible for me to
give freedom to my country, at least I should like to
give it to these noble compatriots in other lands.

Annotated Edition Of Morga


Publication of his annotated

edition of morgas sucesos in 1890
which he wrote in the british
museum. It was printed by garnier
freres. The prologue was written
by professor blumentritt, upon
rizals request.

Rizals Errors According To


1. Rizal commits the errors of many historians

in appraising the events of the past in the
light of present standards
2. Rizals attacks on the church were unfair
and unjustified because the abuses of the
friars should not be constructed to mean
that catholicism is bad.

Comment On Morgas Publication


October 12, 1889-blumentritt wrote your rizal from

leitmeritz saying I have just received your
magnificent edition of morga. This edition with your
erudite notes will glorfy your name.
Rizal him self, in his letter to Dr. baldomero roxas
from paris, december 28 1889, stated today I sent
lipa four copies of morga. Later I will send some
From Barcelona , mariano ponce wrote to rizal on
December 31,1889 saying I received the book
sucesos. Many thanks. I have read only blumentritts
prologue. Trully excellent. Please send me
immediately about ten copies that I can send to the
phillipines by the first mail that is going there.

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