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The Crime of Padre Amaro

After I watched the movie, I saw what the real issue in the story is and that is about their morality
and values. They are not lack of religion; they just dont know what the real goodness in life is. Like
father Amaro he has been a good person before he went to that town, but because of the temptations and
influences by others he forgot those values and ethics that he learned. He has been a selfish and snob
person. Selfish because he do or he allowed his desire to Amelia and not thinking about the feelings of
that lady. I thought he is snob because he knows or he discovers a lot of whats happening inside the
church and at the same time in the community but he just ignore it and do nothing.
The people in that community is also lack of morals in their life, they intend to be a devout and
thought that they will be save by their God for all the sins they made. They dont know the reality
happening inside the church. Someone (like Dionisia) notices the sin that Father Amaro did but she just
ignores it and also does nothing.
Sanjuanera the woman who had an affair to Father Benito and also the mother of Amelia, if this
woman has value, she can teach her daughter to be good or teach the ethics and morals in life and also she
will not be having an affair of one of the priest in her town. Maybe Amelia will not tease or tempt Father
Amaro to be a lustful person and also maybe her life will not be in danger.
So all in all if we are truly moralize, we can control ourselves despite of temptations and influences
of others. Either we are educated, religious or not if we know what is right from wrong we will not be
able to do mistakes that inimical to the law of God and the Human laws.

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