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Courts are divided into two categories, Higher and Lower Courts each of which is charged
with overseeing different areas and presenting different types of rulings.
The laws across Luxa vary from place to place, but two constants are trial by combat and
dueling. Both are legal in the Empire, and trials by combat are especially common when the
high nobility or destitute classes are involved. Trials by combat, where the accuser and
defendant fight to decide who is right, have conditions attached depending on the nature of
the crime (murder and severe violent crime is to the death, while some crimes have
restrictions on the weapons to be used and sometimes bizarre conditions for victory, from
first blood to the removal of limbs). It is permitted for either party to have a champion fight
in their place and a skilled combatant can find lucrative, if perilous, employment. Needless
to say, good champions do not come cheap, and the very best are retained by the noble
houses. The government does not interfere with duels and killing an opponent in a duel is
not considered murder. This means it is entirely possible to eliminate an enemy by
manufacturing a matter of honor between him and an opponent who happens to excel at the
form of combat used in the duel.

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