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1º Trimestre/1st Term
Unit 1
Programas de TV: a cartoon, a wildlife programme, the news, a quiz show, a film.

Tipos de películas: science fiction, animated, adventure, comedy, horror film.

Adverbios de frecuencia: always, usually, sometimes, often, never.

Unit 2
Productos: eggs, custard, jam, orange juice, flour, cream, jelly, strawberries.

Platos: Chilli con carne, spaguetti, sushi, curry.

Recetas: birthday cake, trifle, roast beef, apple pie.

Cuantificadores: Some / any.

Unit 3
Accidentes geográficos: canyon, desert, mountain, river, ocean.

Adjetivos: wide, dry, high, long, deep.

Superlativos: widest, longest, the most amazing.

Vocabulario: Bridge, tunnel, skyscraper, pyramid.

2º Trimestre/2nd Term
Unit 4
Vocabulario: A planet, a telescope, a satellite, a rocket, an alien, a UFO, an astronaut,

Verbos: go up, go trough, go under, go over, go around, go down.

Planetas: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune,The Sun, Solar
Unit 5
Profesiones: sailor, musician, astronomer, doctor, painter, inventor, nurse, farmer,
optician, builder, computer technician.

Tiempos verbales: el pasado regular (-ed).

3º Trimestre/3rd Term
Unit 6

Actividades: go bowling, have a snack, send text messages, buy clothes, read
magazines, take photos, argue.

Tiempos verbales. Formas irregulares de pasado: go, buy, break, see, take, send, write,
wear, eat, say, have.

Unit 7

Asignaturas: Physics, Chemistry, Drama, Biology, Literature, I.C.T., French, Design,


Actividades: play chess/cricket, dance, do judo.

Vocabulario: Primary school, Secondary school, subject.

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