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Eric Cheng, Sally Jung

Human Body Project Proposal

protection of organ
Description of the Model:
Rib cages, sternum, intercostal muscles, spine, heart, and lung
Construction plan:
Make a rib cage attached to the spine. Half of the cage filled with the intercostal
muscles with animal modeling balloons to show the movement in muscles and
cage). The other half filled with lung (Picture shown as below) and the heart in
the middle behind the sternum.
skeletal system: protecting the organs
Muscular system: control movements in the body
Gravity hold things together
Balloons (animal modeling balloons, twisting balloons)
20 feet Wires (Thick enough for rib cage)
One PVC pipes (Long enough) going to be used for spine
Normal balloon for heart
No unresolved issues or questions or special requests ^^

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