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Use the adjectives in the box to complete each joke.

Each adjective is used



What stays hot, even in the refrigerator? _____________________ peppers

What do you call an _____________ path along a street? A slidewalk
How did the baker get wealthy? By making _____________________ dough
If all the cars in this country were pink, what would we have? A
_____________________ car nation
5. Why shouldnt you add a _____________________ list of numbers on a
_____________________ day? You dont want to get sumstroke.
6. What do ants say to each other? Nothing much; they just make
_____________________ talk.
7. Why did the astronaut take a shovel on his space walk? So he could dig a
_____________________ hole.
8. Why did the teacher always wear sunglasses in school? Her students were
very ____________________.
9. How is the sun able to stay up in the sky? It has _____________________ beams.
10.Whats so unusual about money? You have to make it _____________________
before you can make it _____________________.
Complete each joke by writing one of the conjunctions from the box. Each
conjunction is used more than once.

1. Teacher: Where is the English Channel? Student: I dont know. We dont

have cable, __________ we only get the local stations.
2. How do you know that the moon prefers clear nights? __________ when the
clouds disappear, the moon beams
3. What coat has no zipper __________ buttons __________ must be put on wet? A
coat of paint
4. Which are the most mathematical bugs? Mosquitoes. They subtract from
pleasure, add to misery, divide your attention, __________ multiply rapidly.
5. Mother: Why are animal crackers spread all over the table? Child: Im
searching them. Mother: For what? Child: The box says you shouldnt eat
them if the seal is broken ________, Im looking for the seal.
6. Girl: How was the play you went to last night? Boy: It was good, __________
I only saw the first act. Girl: Why? Boy: The program said, Act 2. Three
Months Later. ___________ I went home.
7. Why couldnt the mummy answer the telephone? __________ he was tied up
8. Hopeful boyfriend: Sir, Id like to ask for your daughters hand in marriage.
Father: Sorry, youve got to take all of her __________ nothing.
9. What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, __________ never in a
hundred thousand years? The letter M

10.How was the blind carpenters sight restored? He picked up his hammer
__________ saw.
Write the adverb from the box that best completes each joke. Use each
word once.

1. How can you _____________________ cool down a bath thats too hot? Dump in
a pot of chili.
2. Whats the only thing you can break __________________ by saying its name?
3. Why should you hope the rain keeps up? So it wont come
4. Why dont Batman and Robin _____________________ go fishing together? Robin
eats all the worms.
5. What did one fly say to another? You _____________________ bug me.
6. What question can you never _____________________ answer yes? Are you
7. Teacher: What is the speed of light? Student: I dont know, but it gets here
too __________________ in the morning.
8. Where can you _____________________ find diamonds? In a deck of cards
9. Why did the boy __________________ kick his computer? He wanted to boot it
10.Why do anteaters _____________________ become ill? Because theyre full of
anty bodies

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