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One feature of Vedic Astrology, also called Jyotish that makes it different from
Western Astrology is the importance of yogas. Yogas are planetary combinations
that result in a certain effect. In the Vedic ancient scriptures many such planetary
combinations are described. In Vedic astrology, no chart analysis is complete
without checking the chart thoroughly for yogas and assessing their effects.

In this article I will show the use of yogas (planetary combinations) that are
indicative for spiritual development according to Vedic Astrology.

This is being done on the basis of the chart of the Indian guru Osho.

Many yogas that have to do with spiritual development have a rather strange

At first sight they seem to indicate something bad. However, if we look deeper and
analyse the yogas more in detail more often than not something bad seems to turn
out into something good. In the chart of a spiritual person we often find indications
of problems in daily life. However, more often than not these problems have been
the main source of spiritual wisdom. In addition a spiritual person may have
problems with accepting the conventional rules designed by society. This is clearly
the case with Osho.

Below you see the Vedic chart of Osho. The numbers after the name of the signs are
the astrological houses. Below these names of the houses the planets are
mentioned that are located in certain houses. These houses are parts of the Vedic
astrological chart that gives insight into certain circumstances.
For example according to Vedic Astrology the third house is the house of
energy/initiatives, the eighth house is the house of death of the
ego/transformations and the eleventh house is the house of gains.

To get a feeling for this let us analyse one house out of Osho's Vedic chart.

In the case of Osho the sign of Cancer falls in the third house in which Jupiter is
placed. Therefore his initiatives and energy are influenced by Jupiter. This is a good
thing since Jupiter is the most important benefic (good planet) in Vedic Astrology. In
Osho's case the result is better than normal because Jupiter is in Cancer, which is a
sign where Jupiter feels very good and is exalted. Therefore Jupiter will deliver
outstanding results.


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The yogas of enlightenment: a Vedic astrological analysis of the c...

Rahu R. 9.03 Ascendant


Rasi Chart 11 CANCER (3)

for December
1931, 17.44 Jupiter R.
Osho IST

MP, 22.57 N.
78.12 E


Mars 8.09 Sun 25.36 Ketu R. 9.03

Mercury D 13.29
Venus 19.18
Moon 22.37
Saturn 28.34

1. Four or more planets in one house gives a sannyassi yoga.

In the chart of Osho we see five planets in one house. These planets are in the
occult eighth house: one of the houses of moksha (spiritual liberation). Although
this pile up of planets in his eighth house is the cause of many difficult events in his
life it is also indicative of spirituality. It gives a so called sannyassi yoga.

His rather non conventional approach is also seen by these eighth house planets.

The eighth house is a part of the chart that has to do with transformation,
psychology and death of the ego.

The yoga is in the sign of Sagittarius. The planet that belong to Sagittarius is
Jupiter. We say that Jupiter is the dispositor of the planets in the sign Sagittarius
and therefore has a lot of influence on how the yoga will surface.

In the case of Osho this sannyassi yoga is made exceptionally strong by the fact
that the dispositor of the planets that make the yoga (Jupiter) is in the sign Cancer,
where it is exalted and is stationary (it has 7% of its normal speed). This makes it
more powerful.

The situation of the lord of the sign in which a yoga takes place (this is called the
dispositor) is important in assessing the outcome of a yoga. For a yoga to have
special effects there must be something remarkable about the planets that have to
do with the yoga. In this case the fact that the dispositor, which is Jupiter, is
exalted and stationary gave dramatic effects.

It is interesting to note that in the navamsa, which is the Vedic astrological chart of
the soul, of Osho Jupiter (whose Sanskrit name is Guru) is in his own sign (Pisces)

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The yogas of enlightenment: a Vedic astrological analysis of the c...

conjunct mokshakaraka Ketu.

Some astrologers may say that Jupiter is weak because it is in the last degree of a
sign. If a planet is in the last degree of a sign this means the planet is in extreme
old age. This is a good way to describe the soul of an enlightened person since he
has come to the end of the cycle of birth and rebirth and therefore can be
considered to be of extremely old age. Therefore this can be seen as a sign of
wisdom and not just as a sign of weakness.

In the Vedic chart of Osho Jupiter is atmakaraka and therefore the indicator of the

That planets who are in extremely old or young age are not necessarily weak can
also be seen in the chart of Bill Clinton, who has Jupiter in the first degree of a sign
(in extremely young age), yet who became president during Jupiter dasa. His
wisdom was of a fairly immature (young) nature (Jupiter in young age). It was
certainly not the more mature wisdom of a sage.

Another remarkable fact is that Jupiter is on the degree of the ascendant (of course
in another sign). This means that Jupiter is right on the Most Effective Point of the
third house (the house of courage). If a planet conjuncts or aspects the Most
Effective Point of a certain house (the ascendant degree shifted to that house) it
strongly influences that house. From this position in the third house it aspects the
Most Effective Points of the houses 7 (relationships) and 11 (gains and hopes for the

This means that Jupiter and the eighth house (Jupiter is of course lord of the eighth)
strongly influences the entire chart. Since the eighth house is bad for mundane
matters this indicates many troubles at the mundane level, but since the eighth is a
moksha house and Jupiter is the planet of religion it is good for spiritual

2. How Ketu turns out to be a Raja Yoga Karaka

Rahu and Ketu are shadow planets. They are not real planets but are points where
the orbit of the Moon crosses the orbit of the Sun. Eclipses can only happen when
Rahu and/or Ketu are in the vicinity of the Sun and Moon.

In most cases in Vedic astrology the nodes, Rahu and Ketu, are regarded as first
rate malefics (planets that normally give bad effects) .

However under certain circumstances they turn out to be Raja Yoga Karakas which
turn them into factors that can do good in the chart. This occurs when:

1. Rahu or Ketu is in a kendrahouse (the 4,7 or 10th house ) and conjoined or

aspected by the lord of a trikonahouse (5 or 9 th house) or when
2. Rahu or Ketu is in a trikonahouse (5 or 9th house) and conjoined or aspected
by the lord of a kendrahouse (4,7 or 10th house).

It is possible that case 1 occurs twice in a chart (simply because when Rahu is in a
kendra house Ketu will be in a kendrahouse too), with case 2 that is not possible.

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The yogas of enlightenment: a Vedic astrological analysis of the c...

The reason that Rahu or Ketu become Raja Yoga karakas in the cases 1 and 2 is
that just as in the case of an ordinary Raja Yoga in the cases 1 and 2 they absorb
both male (kendra) and female (trikona) energy.

In the Vedic chart of Osho Ketu is located in the fifth house, a trikonahouse. Saturn,
lord of the tenth, a kendra house aspects this Ketu. Therefore Ketu becomes a Raja
Yoga Karaka.

It is interesting to see that Saturn is a Raja Yoga planet on its own, since it is lord of
the ninth and tenth house. Saturn is the planet of spiritual discipline and aspects
Ketu from the house of esoteric sciences. In addition Saturn participates in the
sannyassi Yoga. Therefore seen from a spiritual point of view in this chart Ketu as
Raja Yoga Karaka is powerful.

However, because Saturn is the planet of pain and aspects Ketu from the most
difficult house of the chart (the eighth) this yoga was also the cause of troubles on a
mundane level.

It is interesting that we see the same pattern as under 1. What is good for spiritual
matters caused havoc on the mundane level.

3. How a shakata (cart) yoga can become a mukata (crown) yoga.

A shakata yoga is present if Jupiter is in a dushtana house (6,8 or 12th house) from
the Moon. This yoga indicates a difficult life. It also indicates fluctuating fortunes.
The fortune of someone with a shakata yoga fluctuates like a cartwheel.

However, sometimes according to Vedic Astrology a Shakata Yoga is transformed

into a mukata yoga.

This occurs when Jupiter is in the eighth or sixth from the Moon and in its own or
exaltation sign. A mukuta is a crown in the form of a crescent. The crescent is a
symbol for knowledge of spiritual teachings

An interesting feature is that Jupiter and the Moon are in each others signs. This
gives a strong connection between the Moon and Jupiter, which to some extent can
make up for the difficulties indicated by the shakata uoga. Indeed, an exchange is
an intense relationship between planets whose effect are comparable to those of a
conjunction. Therefore this gives effects which are comparable to those of a gaja
kesari yoga. A gaja kesari yoga is formed when the Moon and Jupiter are conjunct
(or in a kendra to eachother). It gives wisdom.

I believe that not all the effects of the shakata yoga are cancelled, because Oshos
life was full of difficult events and indeed his luck fluctuated. However, the mukuta
yoga is also clearly visible.

Again we see the same pattern as under 1 and 2. Something bad turns out to be
something good as far as spiritual development is concerned.

4. Dushtana lords in other dushtana houses.

A rather odd type of yoga is the vipareeta raja yoga. This yoga occurs when the

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The yogas of enlightenment: a Vedic astrological analysis of the c...

lords of other dushtana houses (6,8,12) occupy other dushtana houses. It can bring
benefics often due to a mishap. In Oshos chart the lords of both the sixth and
twelfth are in the eighth house.

A vipareeta yoga that occurs in the eighth house is called a sarala yoga (straight
yoga). This yoga gives a long life span, fearlessness, makes one prosperous, the
person will overcome enemies and be well known.

In Oshos case the yoga is both tainted and strong:

It is tainted because for a pure vipareeta yoga to occur there should be no

influences of other houselords on the planets that participate in the yoga. Obviously
in Oshos case because of the pile up of planets in the eighth there are many other
houselords that influence the planets involved in the vipareeta yoga. This is the
reason why this cannot be called a pure vipareeta yoga.

It is strong and therefore could be called a Vipareeta Raja Yoga because it involves
not one but two lords of dushtana houses and the dispositor of the yoga making
planets (Guru) is exalted.

If we look at Oshos life he did not have a long life span because he died in January
1990. However, he was well known, did not have fear and did overcome his

In his life we can see both the problems (expelled from many countries, other
problems of all kinds) and the benefits (being well known, fearlessness) which are
typical for vipareeta yogas. Again something bad (certain houselords in the eighth)
turned out to be something good (effects that belong to a vipareeta yoga).


The goal of this article has been to show how seemingly bad placements can have
good results. In the case of Osho the problems seem to have focussed on the
mundane level, yet the benefits were of a spiritual nature.

Osho was a non conventional master, who clearly stepped outside the framework of
tradition. This is shown in the importance of the eighth house in his chart. In the
long term the gurus that will be remembered will be the gurus that explore new
avenues and step outside tradition, although that may be shocking for many people.

Spiritual development rarely comes wrapped in easy looking patterns. It pays to

look deeper than the surface when exploring a chart. What lies below the surface
may be more powerful than a person realises as has been shown by looking beyond
the surface of Oshos chart according to Vedic Astrology.

Roeland de Looff

This article is on an advanced level. For more information about the Basic course
Vedic Astrology click here. This is a course in which you learn Vedic Astrology on the
basis of your own chart.

Nederlandse site.

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The yogas of enlightenment: a Vedic astrological analysis of the c...

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