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Final Reflective Essay 660A

I really found the library tutorials useful. It was a great reminder on how to search for
articles and the PowerPoint method of teaching was more engaging than just reading
about it. I bookmarked the page with the tutorials on it. I also found the OWL website
useful. This reflects my biggest concern for the program: writing papers. I have a math
background and did not write many papers during my undergrad or during my
coursework for my MS in math. I wrote my first paper for 513 and found it really
challenging to keep track of my sources. I think I need to do a search of ways to organize
information that works for me.
I still think this program will help me as an instructor. I already find that I am using the
principles I am learning as a student to inform my practices in my classroom. I have been
communicating to my students via Blackboard, e-mail and in class announcements as was
modeled for me in this course. I am optimistic that the next 18 months will really teach
me how to engage the 21st century learner.

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