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A new outbreak of dangerous virus -so called Zika disease was recorded this week.

Seamen, as representatives of one of the most vulnerable professions may become the first victims of this dangerous
disease. The mosquitoes, infected by this virus are one of the disease vectors.
The first case of Zika disease was recorded in Uganda in 1947 among rhesus monkeys. The first case of the Human
infection with Zika disease was recorded in 1952 in Tanzania and Uganda.
The symptoms of disease are:


Skin rash

Muscles Aches

Conjunctivitis and headache.

It should be noted that the disease does not require special treatment.
Infected people should stay in bed, drink lots of water, and take anti-inflammatory drugs.
Crew members of the vessels should carry out preventive measures, such as:

Fight against mosquitoes,

Treat the bite in case of contact with insects.

Mariners are also advised to use repellents, wear clothes of light colors which will cover the body, use mosquito nets
and other physical barriers.

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