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1. What is the difference between Real objects and Virtual objects?

Give an example for

A real object is one which is practically present in front of an Optical Instrument.
A virtual object is an image produced by an optical instrument which is made incident on
any other optical instrument.
For example, in concave and convex lens
When we place our fingers under concave lens, the similar object we found is the virtual object.
When we keep a convex lens after virtual object, the virtual object will act as object to convex
lens and give real object.

2. How do business classes differ from utility classes? Provide an example for each.
Business classes are those that have a partner in this present reality: tree, understudy, contract,
office, artist, shirt, tolerant, and so forth.the disclosure of business classes and their connections
is the fundamental undertaking of investigation.
Utility classes are those that do not have an immediate partner in this present reality and they
are utilized to make protests that deal with the obligations of the data framework, to cooperate
with the outside world to make correspondence among business objects conceivable, and to
spare data when required order catches, menus, and dropdown records area of such classes
.revelation and meaning of utility of classes and their connections is the errand of outline

3. How does encapsulation protect the object from an intruder?

Encapsulation is the packaging of data and processes within one single unit. Objects do things
that they do without distracting us with how they do it.
Encapsulation makes complexity manageable and safe. Without it, we would be over helmed
with many details that we cannot hope to control
The idea of data stowing away is firmly identified with embodiment.
Data stowing away not just hides the multifaceted nature of the inward working of items,
additionally shields them from reckless, malevont ,or unapproved obstruction
Together epitome and data concealing transform an article into a black box
A discovery isolates the space in which the item lives into inside and outside. What is inside is
private to the article and cant be gotten to or change without the articles consent, what is
4. What is object-oriented modeling? How does it differ from Unified Modeling Language
Object situated examination and outline is utilizing an article arranged way to deal with
building reasonable and legitimate models of the framework
Uml is a displaying dialect for item situated framework investigation,configuration,and
Uml is not an item, nor is it a procedure or an approach
Uml is a dialect for an article situated displaying .to be correct uml is a meta displaying dialect
It means is that uml models the method those article situated ideas for example ,classes objects
and their association that are the real models of the frame work

The same way that words and sentences are meta models that portray our ideas .

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