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Object Oriented System Design

Surendra Keshari
Assistant Professor
KIET Group of Institutions
Basic Structural Modeling

1. Classes
2. Relationships
3. Common Mechanisms
4. Diagram

1. Classes
 A class is a description of a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations,
relationships, and semantics.
 A class implements one or more interfaces.
 We use classes to capture the vocabulary of the system we are developing. These
classes may include abstractions that are part of the problem domain, as well as
classes that make up an implementation.
 We can use classes to represent software things, hardware things, and even things
that are purely conceptual.

 A class is a description of a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations,
relationships, and semantics.
 Graphically, a class is rendered as a rectangle.

Terms and Concepts
 A class name must be unique within its enclosing package.
 Every class must have a name that distinguishes it from other classes.
 A name is a textual string. That name alone is known as a simple name; a path
name is the class name prefixed by the name of the package in which that class

Terms and Concepts
 Attributes are related to the semantics of aggregation.
 An attribute is a named property of a class that describes a range of values that
instances of the property may hold.
 A class may have any number of attributes or no attributes at all.
 An attribute represents some property of the thing you are modeling that is shared
by all objects of that class.
 It have specific values for every one of its class's attributes.
 Graphically, attributes are listed in a compartment just below the class name.
Attributes may be drawn showing only their names

 For example, every wall has a height, width, and thickness; you might model your
customers in such a way that each has a name, address, phone number, and date
of birth.

 We can further specify an attribute by stating its class and possibly a default
initial value.

Terms and Concepts
 An operation is the implementation of a service that can be requested from any
object of the class to affect behavior.
 An operation is an abstraction of something you can do to an object and that is
shared by all objects of that class.
 A class may have any number of operations or no operations at all.
 Graphically, operations are listed in a compartment just below the class attributes.
Operations may be drawn showing only their names.

Terms and Concepts
Organizing Attributes and Operations:
 When drawing a class, you don't have to show every attribute and every operation at
 An empty compartment doesn't necessarily mean there are no attributes or operations,
just that you didn't choose to show them.
 You can explicitly specify that there are more attributes or properties than shown by
ending each list with an ellipsis ("...").
 To better organize long lists of attributes and operations, you can also prefix each group
with a descriptive category by using stereotypes.

Terms and Concepts
 Responsibilities are an example of a defined stereotype.
 A responsibility is a contract or an obligation of a class.
 When you create a class, you are making a statement that all objects of that class
have the same kind of state and the same kind of behavior.
 Responsibilities are just free-form text. In practice, a single responsibility is written
as a phrase, a sentence, or (at most) a short paragraph.
 Graphically, responsibilities can be drawn in a separate compartment at the bottom
of the class icon.

2. Relationships
 A relationship is a connection among things.
 In object-oriented modeling, there are three kinds of relationships that are
especially important:
 Dependencies, which represent using relationships among classes (including
refinement, trace, and bind relationships);
 Generalizations, which link generalized classes to their specializations;
 Associations, which represent structural relationships among objects.

Terms and Concepts
 A dependency is a using relationship that states that a change in specification of one
thing may affect another thing that uses it , but not necessarily the reverse.
 Dependencies can be used at various levels of abstraction
 Graphically, a dependency is rendered as a dashed directed line, directed to the
thing being depended on.

Terms and Concepts
 A generalization is a relationship between a general thing (called the super class or
parent) and a more specific kind of that thing (called the subclass or child).
 Generalization means that objects of the child may be used anywhere the parent
may appear, but not the reverse.
 Graphically, generalization is rendered as a solid directed line with a large open
arrowhead, pointing to the parent. Use generalizations when you want to show
parent/child relationships.

Terms and Concepts
Generalization – Along Roles

Terms and Concepts
 An association is a structural relationship that specifies that objects of one thing are
connected to objects of another.
 Given an association connecting two classes, you can navigate from an object of
one class to an object of the other class, and vice versa.
 An association that connects exactly two classes is called a binary association.
 you can have associations that connect more than two classes; these are called n-ary
 Graphically, an association is rendered as a solid line connecting the same or
different classes. Use associations when you want to show structural relationships.
 There are four adornments that apply to associations.
• -Role
• -Multiplicity
• -Aggregation
Terms and Concepts
 An association can have a name, and we use that name to describe the nature of the
relationship. So that there is no ambiguity about its meaning, We can give a
direction to the name by providing a direction triangle that points in the direction
you intend to read the name.

Terms and Concepts
 When a class participates in an association, it has a specific role that it plays in that
relationship; a role is just the face the class at the near end of the association
presents to the class at the other end of the association. You can explicitly name the
role a class plays in an association.

Terms and Concepts
 An association represents a structural relationship among objects. In many modeling
situations, it's important for you to state how many objects may be connected across
an instance of an association. This "how many" is called the multiplicity of an
association's role, and is written as an expression that evaluates to a range of values
or an explicit value.
 When you state a multiplicity at one end of an association, you are specifying that,
for each object of the class at the opposite end, there must be that many objects at the
near end. You can show a multiplicity of exactly one (1), zero or one (0..1), many
(0..*), or one or more (1..*).

Terms and Concepts
 A plain association between two classes represents a structural relationship between
peers, meaning that both classes are conceptually at the same level, no one more
important than the other.
 Sometimes, we want to model a "whole" relationship, in which one class represents a
larger thing , which consists of smaller things (the "parts"). This kind of relationship
is called aggregation, which represents a "has-a" relationship, meaning that an object
of the whole has objects of the part.
 The meaning of this simple form of aggregation is entirely conceptual. The open
diamond distinguishes the "whole" from the "part," no more, no less.

Common Modeling Techniques
Modeling structural relationships :
 For each pair of classes, if you need to navigate between the two, define an
association between them (data-driven associations)
 For each pair of classes, if an interaction is needed between the two (other than
parameters to an operation) specify an association between the two (behavior-driven
 For each of these associations, define their multiplicity
 If one of the classes is a part of the other, make it an aggregation

Common Modeling Techniques

3. Common Mechanisms

 The UML is made simpler by the presence of four common mechanisms that apply
consistently throughout the language: specifications, adornments, common
divisions, and extensibility mechanisms.

Terms and Concepts
 Notes are the most important kind of adornment that stands alone.
 A note is a graphical symbol for rendering constraints or comments attached to an
element or a collection of elements.
 A note that renders a comment has no semantic impact, meaning that its contents do
not alter the meaning of the model to which it is attached.
 A note may contain any combination of text or graphics. If your implementation
allows it, you can put a live URL inside a note, or even link to or embed another

Terms and Concepts
 A stereotype is an extension of the vocabulary of the UML, allowing you to create
new kinds of building blocks similar to existing ones but specific to your problem.
 Graphically, a stereotype is rendered as a name enclosed by guillemets and placed
above the name of another element. As an option, the stereotyped element may be
rendered by using a new icon associated with that stereotype.
 All three of these approaches are illustrated in Figure.

Terms and Concepts
Tagged Values:
 A tagged value is an extension of the properties of a UML element, allowing you to
create new information in that element's specification.
 Graphically, a tagged value is rendered as a string enclosed by {brackets} and
placed below the name of another element.

Terms and Concepts
 A constraint is an extension of the semantics of a UML element, allowing you to
add new rules or to modify existing ones.
 Graphically, a constraint is rendered as a string enclosed by {brackets} and placed
near the associated element or connected to that element or elements by
dependency relationships.

4. Diagram:
 Diagram is the graphical presentation of a set of elements, most often rendered as a
connected graph of vertices (things) and arcs (relationships).

 A diagram may contain any combination of things and relationships.

 Different types of diagrams are used to represent the system in different


 Choosing the right diagrams forces you to ask the right questions and illuminate
their implications.

Terms and Concepts
Structural diagrams:
 A structural diagram is used to Represents the “skeleton” of the system. It also
visualize, specify, construct and document the static aspects of the system.
 Class diagram :
A class diagram shows a set of classes, interfaces, and collaborations and their
relationships. Class diagrams that include active classes address the static process
view of a system.
 Object diagram :
Object diagrams represent static snapshots of instances of the things found in class
diagrams. These diagrams address the static design view or static process view of a
system. An object diagram shows a set of objects and their relationships

 –

Terms and Concepts
Structural diagrams:
 Component diagram
A component diagram shows the organizations and dependencies among a set of
components. Component diagrams address the static implementation view of a
system. They are related to class diagrams in that a component typically maps to
one or more classes, interfaces, or collaborations
 Deployment diagram
A deployment diagram shows the configuration of run-time processing nodes and
the components that live on them. Deployment diagrams address the static
deployment view of an architecture

Terms and Concepts
Behavioral diagrams:
 The Behavioral diagrams are used to represents the behavior of the system. It also
used to visualize, specify, construct and document the dynamic aspects of the system.
 Use case diagram :
A use case diagram shows a set of use cases and actors and their relationships. Use
case diagrams address the static use case view of a system. These diagrams are
especially important in organizing and modeling the behaviors of a system.
 A sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasizes the time-ordering of
 A collaboration diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasizes the structural
organization of the objects that send and receive messages

Terms and Concepts
Behavioral diagrams:
 Statechart diagram
A state chart diagram shows a state machine, consisting of states, transitions,
events, and activities. State chart diagrams address the dynamic view of a system.
They are especially important in modeling the behavior of an interface, class, or
collaboration and emphasize the event-ordered behavior of an object.
 Activity diagram
An activity diagram is a special kind of a state chart diagram that shows the flow
from activity to activity within a system. Activity diagrams address the dynamic
view of a system. They are especially important in modeling the function of a
system and emphasize the flow of control among objects

Structural Modeling: Core Elements
Construct Description Syntax
class a description of a set of objects that
share the same attributes, operations,
methods, relationships and semantics.
interface a named set of operations that
characterize the behavior of an «interface»

component a modular, replaceable and significant
part of a system that packages
implementation and exposes a set of
node a run-time physical object that
represents a computational resource.
Structural Modeling: Core Elements

Construct Description Syntax

constraint a semantic condition or restriction.

Structural Modeling: Core Relationships
Construct Description Syntax
association a relationship between two or more
classifiers that involves connections
among their instances.
aggregation A special form of association that
specifies a whole-part relationship
between the aggregate (whole) and the
component part.
generalization a taxonomic relationship between a more
general and a more specific element.
dependency a relationship between two modeling
elements, in which a change to one
modeling element (the independent
element) will affect the other modeling
element (the dependent element).
Structural Modeling: Core Relationships

Construct Description Syntax

realization a relationship between a specification and
its implementation.

Class Diagrams

 Class diagrams are the most common diagram found in modeling object- oriented
 A class diagram shows a set of classes, interfaces, and collaborations and their
 The use of class diagrams to model the static design view of a system. For the most
part, this involves modeling the vocabulary of the system, modeling collaborations,
or modeling schemas.
 Class diagrams are also the foundation for a couple of related diagrams: component
diagrams and deployment diagrams.

Terms and Concepts

Class diagrams commonly contain

 Classes
 Interfaces
 Collaborations
 Dependency, generalization, and association relationships

Terms and Concepts
Common Uses:
 Class diagrams used to model the static design view of a system. This view
primarily supports the functional requirements of a system. To model design view
of system, typically use class diagrams in one of three ways.
1. Model the vocabulary of a system:
Modeling the vocabulary of a system involves making a decision about which
abstractions are a part of the system under consideration and which fall outside
its boundaries.

Terms and Concepts
Common Uses:

2. Model simple collaborations:

A collaboration is a society of classes, interfaces, and other elements that work
together to provide some cooperative behavior that's bigger than the sum of
all the elements.
3. Model a logical database schema:
Database schema is the blueprint for the conceptual design of a database.

Common Modeling Techniques:
• Modeling simple collaborations:
 identify the mechanism to model.
 for each mechanism, identify the classes, interfaces, and other collaborations that
participate in this collaboration; as well as their relationships
 use scenarios to walk through these things
 populate these elements with their required contents (attributes and operations) first
starting with responsibilities

Class Diagrams (Hospital Management)
Class Diagrams (Online Shopping)

Class Diagrams (Patient)

Common Modeling Techniques:
• Modeling a logical database schema:

 identify the classes whose state must transcend the lifetime of their application
 create a class diagram for these and mark them as <<persistent>> with a tagged
 define their attributes and associations (and their cardinalities)
 define data-specific operations on these classes

Example of Database Schema

Object Diagrams:

 Object diagrams model the instances of things contained in class diagrams.

 An object diagram shows a set of objects and their relationships at a point in time.
 An object diagram, therefore, expresses the static part of an interaction, consisting
of the objects that collaborate, but without any of the messages passed among them.
 Object Diagrams use real world examples to depict the nature and structure of the
system at a particular point in time.
 Since we are able to use data available within objects, Object diagrams provide
a clearer view of the relationships that exist between objects.

Object Diagram

Object Diagram

Class and its corresponding Object

Class to Object Diagram Example - Order System

Thank You


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