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Flv Crunch Change Log

1.5.0 (1-16-2011)
Added the option to pause conversions.
Added the option to skip conversions.
Added the option to shut down the computer after a conversion finished.
Added the option to put the computer to sleep after a conversion finished.
Added the option to quit the application after a conversion had finished.
Added the option to display a dialog notifying the user after a conversion had finished.
Added the option to make the application play an alert sound after a conversion had
Added the option to make the application's icon bounce in the dock after a conversion
had finished.
Added the option to reduce CPU time to the conversion engine during a conversion.
Changed the File menu's "Open Error Log" item to "Open Log".
Added the option to print the conversion engine's messages by using the File menu's
"Print Engine Messages" item.
Added the ability to remove files from the file list by using the keyboard's delete button.
Fixed a problem with conversions failing because the user attempted to start converting
seconds after the program started.
Added the ability to use ffmpeg-0.5 on Mac OS 10.1 to 10.3! Be able to convert some of
the newest videos on older versions of the Mac OS!
Added the ability to use ffmpeg-0.5 (x86 version) on Mac OS 10.4 running on an x86
processor (huge speed up).
Disabled the Test button in the preferences when a test was taking place.
Added the ability to select the text in the Additional Commands window.
Removed the resize handle from the Additional Commands window.
Improved support for unicode characters in file names.
Fixed a problem with 5.1 surround sound files not converting with formats that use the
MP3 audio codec.
FIxed a problem with 5.1 surround sound files not converting with the WMV format.
1.4.1 (7-20-2011)
Fixed a problem with unicode characters in the file name that prevented Flv Crunch from
converting the file.
Fixed a problem with the menu items' size being a slightly smaller size than normal.

1.4 (5-24-2011)
Included information in the documentation on how to rip videos from YouTube using
Removed Spanish and French language support.
Fixed a problem with ffmpeg-0.5 that prevented it from running on a G3 processor.
Fixed a problem with ffmpeg-12000 that prevented it from running on a G3 processor.
Fixed a bug that caused Flv Crunch to crash when converting a vob file.
Added support for aiff encoding and decoding.
Added mkv encoding support.
Added feature that allows user to send additional commands to ffmpeg.
Fixed a bug that prevented the settings in the preferences to return to their original
values when the cancel button was pushed.
Changed mpeg format to use the vcd specifications -- allows seeking to work on
Added a feature that prints each message ffmpeg outputs during a conversion.
Added the ability to add and remove files from the file list during a conversion.
Added "No Change" menu item under the Quality menu -- keeps video at same quality
as original.
High, medium, and low menu items in Quality menu now convert video to a specified
quantizer range rather than a specified value.
Removed several Sampling Rate menu items.
Set audio bitrate for most formats to 128kb/s - improves audio quality.
Added a feature that verifies if you want to quit Flv Crunch during a conversion.
Changed program icon - Thank you Ben Rhea.
Eliminated printing of messages about the NSDocumentController.
Fixed problem with unusual characters in file path.
Eliminated timebase error.
1.3.1 (1-12-2010)
Fixed a problem with calculating video dimensions (occurs when the "Same Aspect
Ratio" feature is active).
Added close button in upper left hand corner.
Fixed a problem that caused the program to ask about where the destination folder is
when it was already known.
Translated an error message about the engine into Spanish and French.
Made the Set button on the Spanish interface the default button for that window.
Added a system that determines if the engine has timed out after the Test button has

been pushed.
Fixed a bug that allowed the user to change the engine version while an engine test was
taking place.
Fixed a problem that would cause ffmpeg-0.5 to crash on Mac OS 10.4 on an x86 based
Fixed a bug that caused the video to be created at the wrong resolution when cropping
feature was activated.
1.3 (11-5-2009)
Added system that adjusts number of sounds channels when needed.
Added ability to make Flash files.
Preference with default save location, default format, and engine version options added.
Added ability for recognition of files dragged on Flv Crunch's icon in the dock.
Translated program into Spanish and French.
Added Volume control.
Added user changeable sampling rate control.
Added support for decoding of MKV files.
Added support for decoding of MKA files.
Added ability to select multiple files in the file list.
Updated engine on PowerPC to version 0.5.
Fixed WMV conversion to use wmav2 audio codec - allows playback on Windows Media
Player 9 and above.
1.2 (6-17-2009)
Added feature to crop video files.
Added feature to only use certain time intervals in a file.
Added newer version of FFmpeg.
Added standard and high definition resolutions support.
Removed 'wide screen tv' resolution.
Added feature that preserves aspect ratio.
x86 native (faster on newer Macintosh systems).
Added feature that tells user how many files are in the file list.
Fixed open file problem.
Fixed memory leaks that would cause problems for Flv Crunch when the number of files
in the file list reached over 200 files.
Fix bug that would select 'iPod' in the resolution group after a conversion had

Changed maximum number of files that can be added to the file list to 500.
1.1 (5-8-2009)
Added Windows Media Player media support.
Added RealPlayer media support (converting from RealPlayer file only).
Added Digital Video support.
Added AAC support.
Added sampling rate system.
Used more recent version of FFmpeg.
1.0.2 (3-17-2009)
Added feature that creates an unique file name for the user.
1.0.1 (3-11-2009)
Fixed aac codec decoding problem.
Added information about program statistics in help file.
1.0 Initial release (2-27-2009)

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