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The heartbeat is known to be Myogenic, which means that the contractions

are part of the cardiac muscle itself. A pacemaker, consisting of sinoatrial

node and Purkinje fibers set the basic rhythm of the heart. The normal
heartbeat is about 50 beats per minute. The amount of blood coming out of
the left ventricle per minute is called the Cardiac Output. This is determined
by the stroke volume and the heart rate. The stroke volume is the volume of
blood ejected per contraction and the heart rate is the number of heart beats
per minute.
The formula for the Cardiac Output is: stroke volume x heart rate.
Blood pressure is described by two numbersthe systolic and the diastolic.
The systolic number represents the pressure in the artery when the heart
contracts and pushes out the blood to the body. The diastolic number
represents the pressure in the artery when the heart is in the relaxation
phase and blood flows back into the heart.
The blood pumped out as a result of systolic pressure is referred to as stroke
volume and the combination of a systolic and diastolic pressure makes a
heart beat.
Source: Biozone pages 121 & 123, Circulatory Lab Answers

A flow-volume loop diagram of
normal cardiac output has the
following appearance

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