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LaSalle-Peru Township High School

Professional Learning Community

September 30th, 2015


PE, Drivers Ed, Health

Group: PE
Members Invited: Terry Pytel, Kyle Pytel, Jim Cherveny, Matt Rebholz, Jon Rashid, Christina Weber, Nicci
Members Present: Terry, Kyle, Matt, Jim, Christina Weber, Nicci Gibson, Jon at Golf outing


Discussion of current concerns, issues, observations, etc. within courses:

Two week courses would be preferred over three week courses for the enhanced PE class. Taking two
attendances is taking away from activity time. Weigh training would be more beneficial if it was a class for
the quarter/ semester so we could record more data for student growth.


Review of action research focus:

In progress


Discussion of effectiveness of data collection and its impact on instructional decisions (e.g., could other
data have been collected, does or can other data need to be collected now, is there usefulness behind the
data and why or why not, etc.)
Review of pre and post test data will be discussed at the next meeting.


Review of any data already collected/in collection:


What conclusions can be drawn from any gathered data at this point:
N/A at this time


If current action research is near completed and instructional decisions can be made based on data, what are some
possible areas to start looking at for further action research:

N/A at this time

How no dresses and attendance are compared to success in the classroom.



What does it mean for a student to collaborate?

Work and discuss with each other.
LearnGrowLeadExcellence is our Standard!

LaSalle-Peru Township High School

Professional Learning Community
September 30th, 2015


How do you know or measure whether or not a student is collaborating effectively?

Through observation, Questions they ask us for understanding, progress in a unit.
What current strategies are in place for students to develop skills related to collaboration?
Group work, Team activities, Students led games and activity, self-check skills test/
What other strategies could be implemented into your courses to develop collaboration skills?
More group work, Continue to do student led warm ups and activities. IAHPERD convention will be
advantageous to learn new collaborative strategies.

LearnGrowLeadExcellence is our Standard!

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