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Character 1: Queenie

Queenie is A character whos species is based

off of classical Disney toons. Her species, is
known as a toon She is a Yellow duck, Who
stands Equipped with Steampunk attire
including a waistcoat, Tophat, And a long
Dress. She is 27 years of age at the time of
the story, and Stands at 53. She was born
and raised on the Planet Chemoreflex, in the
capital city of albedo. the place in which the
story takes place. Her parents were never
mentioned in the story, however she does her
her Grandmother, Patricia, Who is a purple
rabbit, Suggesting her mother and father
could have been a rabbit and a duck. The best
thing that ever happened To her was meeting
Fibonacci, The magical and Chaotic-like
Dragon who Befriended Queenie and learned the ways of their planets society.
Fibonacci Taught queenie about self confidence and being yourself, while queenie
taught Fibonacci how to be less selfish. Another thing she had enjoyed doing was
running the Clothing shop with her Grandmother known as Patsys place which
sold Steampunk attire.
Queenies personality is somewhat of a mystery. She is a very shy character, to
the point where she doesnt speak to anyone she doesnt know. The only
character confirmed to have hear her Talk is Patricia. And that is after knowing
her for 27 years. Because of this. Many toons and dragons felt That her silence
was filled with hate. However this was not the case.
The worst thing that happened to Queenie was Trusting Fibonacci however,
Queenie and many others had mistaken Fibonacci for a figure of heroics, when in
reality she is here to destroy the universe with the rest of her kind. With this
betrayal and broken heart, Queenie had tried her best to cut Fibonacci out of her
life, and to stop her evil plan.

Queenies Hero, like many, Is the King. King Quasar, Who had Created the planet
and lead their people in times of struggle and oppression from their cosmic
enemy, Sagittarius_A He is a God- Like creature with multiple Arms, and
unfathomable power. He had created the universe alongside his power, and the
entire planets population regard him with great authority and love, and vise
versa. Dispite being a God, Quasar has a warming personality and provides
motivation and faith in his people, hoping one day they will be free. He holds
many Celebrations, Celebrating his people for being so brave in times of panic,
and distracting them from the bigger problems- Like Sagittarius_A

Their struggles in this comic issue involve King Quasar leaving the planets
Atmosphere, As he was convinced by the Blue council that he must Search for
the True king of the universe, A Giant parasite known as VY Canis majoris, Who
at this moment had convinced Quasar that he had created the universe, And
Quasar had pledged his loyalty to him, and where VY would plan to destroy him.
With Quasar gone. No begin in the universe was even close to being able to stop
the blue council. Their forces spanned across all reaches of the planet. Queenie
and Her fiends had tried their hardest to cause and uprising and to stop this new
world. However it was no use, the will of the people had been broken by the Blue
council, and the armies lead by Fibonacci, Pythagoras and Pi reigned supreme.
No amount of will, planning and speeches could change anything or overpower
them. Not even with dragons of their own.

Meanwhile, Queenie is brought Before the blue council and before her former
companion, Fibonacci. To be killed as part of Pis Scheme to have Fibonacci prove
her loyalty to the council once more. Here is where Fibonacci foolishy agreed to
fight hand to hand combat rather than use her powers. Where Queenie Luckily
managed to defeat her by pure chance.

One of the risks of being quiet is that other people can fill your silence with their own
interpretation: Youre bored. Youre depressed. Youre shy. Youre stuck up. Youre
judgmental. When others cant read us, they write their own storynot always one we
choose or thats true to who we are.
Sophia Dembling, The Introverts Way

Character 2: Fibonacci
Fibonacci has A charismatic and all mistrusting personality. their true intentions
for the world are hidden to many until the timing was right. At first encounter.
Fibonacci seems simply a little off their head and funky, off the wall type of
character. rude, selfish and goofy. however they only had fantasised about ruling
over the planet in their own chaotic way, turning people inside out and causing
other rhythms of chaos is the zone of comfort. at full power. Fibonacci is able to
manipulate their form, their voice, Fibonacci is able to create auditory and visual
hallucinations. and is a master of illusion and misdirection. often making a game
out of their powers. at heart Fibonacci would kill in an instant. but They would
find no fun in it. Fibonacci is a Sadist. and takes immense pleasure from the pain
of others at the

start of the story. and was excited that

they were a part of the master plan to
bring back the end of reality.
Fibonacci was a high ranking General of
their race, alongside the two other
generals, Generals Pythagoras and Pi.
Before she was locked in stone with the
rest of their kind. Fibonacci Is a Chaotic,
Insane and Can easily choose not to feel
sympathy, or empathy. Fibonacci is
Genderless, and has no confirmed age,
As the blue council can live forever is
provided with energy that they steal
from the universe, however, Is referred
to as she due to their feminine
appearance, though can easily switch
between pretending to be a girl to a
boy. Fibonacci stands on four Claws at
about 611. Her loyalty to the mission
blinds her, the mission to have the king
return and to continue their work without fail. it is the only goal she has ever
known. without friends, love or passion for anything else she will pursue this goal
mercilessly until completed. when she meets Queenie and patsy, At first she
mocks them. toying with them and lying to them, because the toons' history tells
them that VY canis majors is a creature of omnipotence and all good things.
Fibonacci goes along with the lie, knowing it will eventually doom them and
allows it to bud into a story of a great prophecy in her name, a lie that portrays
Fibonacci as a hero. Eventually she begins to develop a friendship with the
native, weaker dragons of the planet and the many toons, Queenie in
particular. At first she makes no effort to communicate with Queenie, as
Fibonacci's Ego is far to large to be the first one to talk after introducing
themselves. this is because of her previous state of power, she isn't used to
being kind. However being trapped in stone doesn't keep her from hearing. the
memories are shattered and jumbled, but she does remember Queenie as a
young girl, Cowering behind her statue as apposed to having friends. The two
have alternating personalities and different backgrounds however they
remember each other from long ago, Despite Queenie not being aware of
Fibonacci's consciousness within the stone. This starts off as a mild bond. But
Queenie is the only one that Fibonacci knows anything about. She opened her
heart to her, and Despite Queenie being a shy character, and not enjoying
talking to strangers, or anyone who isn't Patricia. Fibonacci and Queenie are
soon an inseparable pair. Who would talk on the roof every night without fail.
Queenie and Fibonacci's friendship is the gateway for Fibonacci understanding
the countless innocent lives that live on the planet, and how her, and her kinds
lust for power would ruin everything.
Queenie's bond with Fibonacci is like no other in the story. Fibonacci comes to
respect and learn many things from Queenie. How to compromise and how to
love. how to work as a team. and most importantly, how to function in the busy
city. eventually making Fibonacci soft in the head. considering herself a part of
the society. making her choice to betray them ultimately harder to make.

Queenie would take her dancing, Teaching her how to knit, and craft, how to
enjoy the people around her without feeling like she should be trying to cause
mischief. Queenie brought calmness and humanity to Fibonacci's soul, changing
Fibonacci from the emotionless beast to a creature capable of love and
companionship. Fibonacci often has nightmares about Queenie dying, and losing
her friends. the guilt catching up to her every night the work ending. . and
fantasies about living with Queenie somewhere quiet, where they could just exist
in peace. away from the city. wondering if someone as kind as Queenie would
ever want to share a future with her.

Eventually The blue council force Fibonacci to fight Queenie, As we know that
Fibonacci tried to sabotage the blue councils plan for a long time. Fibonacci is
convinced by pi to Give loyalty to the blue council once again, With the promise
of great power and to have her armies back, from when she used to be a
powerful general. Fibonacci Agrees, allowing this deal to corrupt her once more.
Returning to her Destructive nature and Soul-less personality. She engages with
Queenie, fighting her with physical combat rather than her powers, to give
Queenie an end with honour at the hand of her former friend. She smacks
Queenie into the walls of the castle, allowing the walls to crush her. Queenie
locates a sharp fragment of the rubble and Stabs Fibonacci through the heart.
Symbolising the very sane feeling queenie feels.

Character: Pi, and Pythagoras.

Pi is the Leader of the Blue council Alongside their Associates, General Fibonacci
and General Pythagoras. Pi, Is a very Balanced character, friendly on first
appearance, Able to fake kindness and interest, but immensely powerful much
like Fibonacci. Pi is the closest confidant of VY canis majoris, and was assigned to
look after Chemoreflex while VY roamed space. Pis mission was to allow the
blue council and their armies to absorb energy from the people of the planet, and
the planet itself to provide for VY. As Chemroeflex and particularly Albedo, is rich
with radioactive and magical energy, left there by the Gods who created the
planet. Unlike Fibonacci, Pi refuses to leave the loyalthy of VY Canis Majoris. And
is blindly loyal. Pi is blue, with purple frills extending from the head instead of
horns like many other members of the Blue council. A blue crystal ball can be
seen located at the end of the tail, similarly to Pythagoras, Fibonacci and VY
canis majoris, said to connect them all and exchange energy, and access their

Pythagoras is nothing like Fibonacci, He doesnt see the endless Cycle of spacetime to be entertaining. Doesnt value his existence. He sees the Cycle of this
universe as pointless. What is the point of existing if you are just doing the same
thing over and over. This universe is stuck in a time loop. Set by VY canis majoris
when he first burst into this reality. The time loop allows him to go back when the
universe ends and start again, to gain even more power. Fibonacci can see this
as entertaining and to strive to do better each time. However Pythagoras can see
Life having no meaning. He is a very dull, uninspired personality and simply does
what he is told. Doesnt challenge anything. Contains the same power as his co

workers, But deosnt create like fibonacci does, or is a prominent character like
Fibonacci. They have polar opposite views of the universe. Inspired and
uninspired. Happy and sad. He specialises in Death and enjoys visiting the
restince places of Toons and dragons alike.

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