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dime a dozen - means that something is common and easy to obtain.

1. Piece of cake - means that something is very easy to complete.

2. Costs an arm and a leg When something costs an arm and a leg it actually
means that something is very expensive.
3. Break a leg Break a leg actually means good luck!
4. Hit the books hit the books actually means to study
5. Let the cat out of the bag means to disclose a secret that was supposed to
be kept, well, as a secret.
6. Hit the nail on the head This idiom has to do with doing or saying something
that is precisely right.
7. When pigs fly means that something will never happen
8. You cant judge a book by its cover it means that you should not decide
upon something based just on outward appearances.
9. Bite off more than you can chew it means to attempt to take on a task that is
too much for you to handle.
10. Scratch someones back means is to help someone out with the assumption
that they will return the favor in the future!
11. Green:inexperienced
12. Hit the sack: go to bed
13.Zip your lip
14 R and R: Rest and Relaxation
15. Raining cats and dogs : Rain very heavily
16. Zilch :nothing
17. In a pickle : in difficult position/quandary
18. Hit the hay: go to sleep
19. between rock and a hard place: a situation offering at least two possibilities, neither of
which is acceptable
20. hold your horses: hold on, wait
21. up in the air: undecided /uncertain abt sth or someone
22. not for whole the world: not at any cost
23. set the world on fire:

24. cook the book: record false info in order to cheat/steal

25. best of both worlds
26. making mountain out of a mole hill
27. too big for your boots
28. miss the mark
29.head over heels
30. to stick to ur guns: firm in belief
31. name dropping:
32. to get wind of: het to hear/know of sth
33. to jump the gun : to do sth too soon
34. to see which way the wind blows
35. to read someone like a book
36. change your time
37. change your tune
38. Pick up your ears: To pay careful attention
39. Loose Cannon : means anything unpredictable
40. Get out of the wrong side of the bed : Meaning to be in a bad mood, it is considered unlucky to put
your left foot on the floor first when getting out of bed.
41. Face the Music: accept the consequences.
42. Elvis has left the building: Meaning the show/event has ended. Now we use this term anytime an
event has ended.
43. Absent without leave: Away without permission.
44. Blind leading the blind: the person in charge of the situation knows no more about it than those
whom he is leading
45. Close but no cigar: If you come close to achieving success but reach a disappointment due to
failure you are 'close but no cigar'.

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