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A Rules-Based, Event Oriented Business Process Management Suite

Pieter van Schalkwyk

Copyright ©eXomin 2010

XMPro simplifies process management. It does this via a unique process management perspective
that focuses on the business rules which govern the process and the events that influence actions,
rather than on a graphical flow based view of a process. This approach allows XMPro to reduce
complex composite process applications to rules and events at Process, Activity and Form Field
level that determine routing, integration and visual/display attributes.

This document provides a description of the XMPro approach to business process management.
XMPro - A rule based, event oriented Work and Process Management solution

XMPro is Rules Based

An article on Business Process, BPMN and Business Rules in the BPTrends Advisor series in
September 2008 by Paul Harmon addresses the issue of the graphical representation of a business
process and the complexity of real world business rules that are not easily described in these
graphical process flow models. In the article Paul describes how a simple tax return process can be
complex to define in a BPMN model that will be understood by business and IT. He shows how the
introduction of a simple business rule simplifies the process flow and describes the process
unambiguously. The rule is not obvious from the flow direction of the arrows but the introduction
of a document icon that describes the rule at the decision point makes the flow diagram simple
while catering for the complex business rules that determine not only routing but other activity
attributes as well.

This has been one of the founding principles of XMPro. The product differentiates itself in that it
has seen business rules as a critical part of a well managed business process since inception and the
product has been developed with this mind rather than being based on conventional process and
workflow practices. It may be different to what traditional workflow practitioners and analysts are
used to, but it delivers on XMPro’s aim to simplify processes. XMPro is a business rules based, event
oriented Business Process Management Suite (BPMS) rather than workflow based. Each XMPro
activity (and even each form object) is managed through a business rule. This rule can be as simple
as triggering the next activity (stepping the process to the next phase) or it can be complex and
govern routing logic, integration requirements and even the behaviour of screen elements. A XMPro
form object or field can house a fully scripted business rule and each activity contains a “Command
Object” or field that contains the routing logic.

These rules are defined and managed in the XMPro “Webservices and Scripting Editor” that is
opened (invoked) by double-clicking on any XMPro form field. This makes the product immensely
powerful and quick to deploy. It does, however, deviate from conventional workflow thinking
where flow logic is contained in the “arrows” of the flowdiagram and business rules are generally
managed through external Business Rules Engines. Putting business rules at the centre of the
process allows XMPro to:

 handle complex routing with interdependent conditions, rules based mandate structures
and dynamic assignments based on contextual information (the routing is based on the
current status and context similar to case management scenarios where there is no pre-
determined workflow path and it is determined at run time);
 manage integration of information to and from other business applications based on the
specific business rules or conditions;
 direct the user interface to display more or less information based on the rules and
contextual information; and
 perform calculations based on the context and business rules of a specific process, activity
or form field.

The following example will highlight the power and benefits of the XMPro approach.

A sales person in an organisation may use Microsoft CRM, for example, to manage propective
customer information. Once the prospect wants to place an order, the new customer account needs
to be approved and created in the financial system - such as Microsoft Dynamics AX or SAP or any of
the myriad of financial solutions out there. A scenario may exist where there was a merger or
acquisition and the each organisations used different CRM and ERP systems, but the sales force has
been consolidated and work on the same business process. The scenario would include a situation
where the data sources are not merged and client information resides in the original ERP or CRM
solutions. This would require the process management solution to get data based on the profile or
meta-data of the sales person that is using the system at that time (contextual information). XMPro

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XMPro - A rule based, event oriented Work and Process Management solution

utilises a business rule approach to determine the relevant data source for the specific form fields
based on the personal data of the sales person. Once data is migrated to a single system in the
merger scenario, the business rule can be easily changed to retrieve information only from the new
ERP or CRM system without affecting the process.

A business rule may determine that additional information and documentation will be required if
the new account applicant requires credit. It may require that credit applications forms, surety
certificates etc need to be added to the application form.

Toggling (switching) between “No-Credit” and “Credit” exposes additional fields on the form. This
is accomplished through the use of a business rule in the field form. The screen behaviour can be
changed by adding additional business rules without changing the flow of the process. In this
instance the rules determine the amount and context of the information shown to the user.

If the applicant requires credit a new set of business rules determine the process flow as well as
the approval limits, credit risk and ultimately the amount of credit that will be allowed. Most
workflow management solutions can cater for the process flow but will need to use external or 3 rd
party applications to handle a complex approval hierarchy and the business rules of the credit

The process will be routed based on approval business rules in the example above and it will also be
routed for credit status verification of the applicants. Business rules may dictate what process is to
be followed for the credit vetting, whether it is an automated web services based integration point
that is invoked from the XMPro Web Services and Scripting Editor, or whether it is a manual process
where a creditors clerk contact references. Once again, the logic can be hard to describe in a
flowdiagram only. Information in organisational policies is generally easier to understand and
implement as business rules rather than flowdiagrams.

Credit policy and governance guidelines generally provide the rules for credit approval, whether it
is based on a scoring system or go/no-go parameters. This decision logic should removed from

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XMPro - A rule based, event oriented Work and Process Management solution

business users and managed as part of the business rules as an integral part of the BPM solution. A
rules based system, such as XMPro, makes the credit score and value calculation part of the
process. This is where all the information from the current and previous activities can be combined
with business rules and policies to provide the credit amount that the applicant will receive. It can
even be extended to include the rules components in system generated documents that are specific
to the transaction.

Finally, the integration into the back-end financial system should, once again, be rules based where
status account, notification to the applicant and other parameters are dependent on the current
context of the process activity.

The example illustrates the role of business rules, not only to determine complex process routing,
but also to manage system integration, visual behaviour and system calculations.

Conventional and even BPMN flowdiagrams do not provide a complete picture of real-world process
requirements and are, at best, one dimensional representations of a multi faceted and complex
business process. These models represent simple processes, such as a holiday leave application,
relatively easily but suffer when it needs to describe processes with many dependencies and rules.
In most cases detailed specifications need to accompany the flowdiagram to describe the actual
requirements or rules. Business rules govern the flowdiagram not the other way around.

Even though XMPro manages process flow as part of BPM is it primarily driven by business rules as
this is what drives real world processes. Our approach and our solution differ to our competitors as
XMPro is a single environment to manage flow, rules and integration. This is why we are successful
at extending ERP solutions and building complex rule based process applications for customers such
as Royal Bank of Scotland, SABMiller Africa & Asia, Avis and the likes.

XMPro is Event Oriented

The way we work is changing. The sequential, production-line workflow approach only applies to a
few of the tasks we have to perform every day. Over time our business processes have changed
from simple predictable tasks to more complex knowledge based and collaborative on processes.
Nowadays we react to business events rather than just being a cog in a simple work queue.

A conventional workflow approach assumes the process sequence is defined upfront and that we
work strictly to the workflow rules. It leaves little room for knowledge workers to decide on the
“best next task” based on contextual information, to dynamically respond to the situational
requirements and handle process exceptions on demand.

eXomin understands the need to have control of both rules based sequential, well defined
processes as well as decision driven dynamic processes where action and routing is based on human
decision making. The eXomin XMPro Work Management Solution enables you to manage both
requirements in a single workspace environment for end users. XMPro is an event based work
management system that incorporates workflow for processes that require it and event
management for processes that are more dynamic and require more flexibility.

XMPro provides the building blocks, measurement tools and user interface for a Process
Performance Management system that measure both efficiency and effectiveness across both types
of processes. It helps you get better at getting work done.

XMPro enables organisations to visualise, digitise and optimise sequential and dynamic processes in
a single solution. It gives better control to IT, better outcomes for business and a better experience
for end users.

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XMPro - A rule based, event oriented Work and Process Management solution

Sequential Workflow based Processes Dynamic Event based Processes

The benefits:

 Efficiency benefits of a conventional BPMS for sequential workflow-based processes

o Right person doing the right task at the right point in time with the right controls
applied to it
o Reduced process time and process cost
o Improved efficiencies
o Ability to measure cost and time savings
o Support continuous improvement strategies
o Improved governance and compliance
 Effectiveness benefits from dynamic event-based processes
o Controlled decision making delegated to the user with the best knowledge to action
a process
o Process decisions made in the context of the circumstances of a specific process
instance – not a one size fits all process or single path workflow
o Self learning or “emergent” processes that evolve as new knowledge of the process
or its requirements develop
o Process exceptions handled on demand or as they happen
o A repository of controlled process activities that can be sequenced dynamically or
“on-demand” to drive a process outcome suited to the specific situation
o It provides a better “case” management approach than workflow based solutions
 Benefits of combined approach
o Ability to create a process repository that contains both in a single workspace
o Full audit trails across all types of work processes
o Process measurement and analytics on all types of work processes

Typical processes

Sequential Workflow based Processes Dynamic Event based Processes

Leave application Sales proposal (Request for Proposal)
Expense Claim Approval Product Development
New Supplier Onboarding Customer Service and Support

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XMPro - A rule based, event oriented Work and Process Management solution

XMPro attributes and capabilities

Visualise and Define XMDesigner Visually define and configure sequential

and dynamic processes that includes:
 Routing Options
 Business Rules
 Integration with other business systems
through XMConnect or SOA designer
 Process Version Control
 Centralised process repository
 Multi Language configuration for
 Notification and escalation rules
 Design once in XMDesigner and use in
all the various XMWorkspaces
XMConnect SOA based integration connectors for
leading ERP, CRM and other business
XMAPI API for creating bespoke user interfaces
and embedding XMPro in 3rd party
Digitise and Use XMWorkspace XMPoint XMPro end user interface for bringing
feature rich processes to Microsoft
XMOutlook Microsoft Outlook user interface for users
that require their processes integrated with
the one application that is open on most
XMWeb Access XMPro from your favourite web
browser and include customers and
suppliers with your internal users on your
organisational processes
XMMobile Extend your processes to users on the road
with XMMobile. Don’t wait to get back to
the office to update a sales order or
customer request
XMGadgets Microsoft Vista and Windows 7 users can
access XMPro from the desktop for quick
turnaround times
Optimise and Improve XMInsight XMInsight is a powerful Web-based
reporting, analysis and dashboard
framework that spans all types of
processes. It contains preconfigured reports
and analysis for XMPro and delivers real
time views over data and processes. It has
a rich repository of reports aimed to meet
key questions for a range of stakeholders,
both users and management

XM Pro is available in Small Business, Enterprise or SaaS (Software as a Service) configurations.

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XMPro - A rule based, event oriented Work and Process Management solution

XMPro Australia Pty Ltd

Registration Number: A.B.N. 26 140 948 803

Office: +61(0) 2 8412 1000

Head Office Physical Address

Level 16
124 Walker Street
North Sydney
NSW 2060



Microsoft, SharePoint, Visual Studio, Office and Windows are either

registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries.

XMPRO is a trademark of eXomin Pty Ltd

All other trademarks are property of their respective owners

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