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Verbul "TO BE" - a f

Forma afrmativa:
I am (I'm) - Eu sunt
You are (You're) - Tu esti
He is (He's) - El este
She is (She's) - Ea este
It is (It's) - El/Ea este
We are (We're) - Noi suntem
You are (You're) - Voi sunteti
They are (They're) - Ei/Ele sunt
Forma interogativa:
Am I? - Sunt eu?
Are you? - Esti tu?
Is he? - Este el?
Is she? - Este ea?
Is it? - Este el/ea?
Are we? - Suntem noi?
Are you? - Sunteti voi?
Are they? - Sunt ei/ele?
Forma negativa:
I am not (I'm not) - Eu nu sunt
You are not (You aren't) - Tu nu esti
He is not (He isn't) - El nu este
She is not (She isn't) - Ea nu este
It is not (It isn't) - El/Ea nu este
We are not (We aren't) - Noi nu suntem
You are not (You aren't) - Voi nu sunteti
They are not (They aren't) - Ei/Ele nu sunt
Verbul "TO HAVE" - a avea
Forma afrmativa:
I have (I've) - Eu am
You have (You've) - Tu ai
He has (He's) - El are
She has (She's) - Ea are
It has (It's) - El/Ea are
We have (We've) - Noi avem
You have (You've) - Voi aveti
They have (They've) - Ei/Ele au
Forma interogativa:
Have I? - Am eu?
Have you? - Ai tu?
Has he? - Are el?
Has she? - Are ea?
Has it? - Are el/ea?
Have we? - Avem noi?
Have you? - Aveti voi?
Have they? - Au ei/ele?
Forma negativa:
I have not (I haven't) - Eu nu am
You have not (You haven't) - Tu nu ai
He has not (He hasn't) - El nu are
She has not (She hasn't) - Ea nu are

It has not (It hasn't) - El/Ea nu are

We have not (We haven't) - Noi nu avem
You have not (You haven't) - Voi nu aveti
They have not (They haven't) - Ei/Ele nu au

Verbul "TO DO" - a face

Forma afrmativa:
I do - Eu fac
You do - Tu faci
He does - El face
She does - Ea face
It does - El/Ea face
We do - Noi facem
You do - Voi faceti
They do - Ei/Ele fac
Forma interogativa:
Do I? - Fac eu?
Do you? - Faci tu?
Does he? - Face el?
Does she? - Face ea?
Does it? - Face el/ea?
Do we? - Facem noi?
Do you? - Faceti voi?
Do they? - Fac ei/ele?
Forma negativa:
I do not (I don't) - Eu nu fac
You do not (You don't) - Tu nu faci
He does not (He doesn't) - El nu face
She does not (She doesn't) - Ea nu face
It does not (It doesn't) - El/Ea nu face
We do not (We don't) - Noi nu facem
You do not (You don't) - Voi nu faceti
They do not (They don't) - Ei/Ele nu fac

1. Completati spatiile goale cu forma corecta a verbului TO BE:
a) Forma afrmativa:
I _______ in the classroom.
He _______ in the garden.
They _______ in the house
b) Forma negativa:
You _______ in the office.
She _______ in the bathroom.
We _______ in the restaurant.
2. Traduceti in limba engleza:
1. Eu am 12 ani.
2. Tu esti in casa cu tatal tau.
3. Noi avem 2 buchete de flori.
4. Voi sunteti in clasa a patra.
5 El are un mar si doua portocale.
6. Ea este in curtea scolii cu prietena ei.

1. Completati spatiile goale cu forma corecta a verbului TO BE:
a) Forma afrmativa:
I am in the classroom.
He is in the garden.
They are in the house
b) Forma negativa:
You are in the office.
She is in the bathroom.
We are in the restaurant.
2. Traduceti in limba engleza:
1. Eu am 12 ani.
I have twelve years.
2. Tu esti in casa cu tatal tau.
You are in the house with my father.
3. Noi avem 2 buchete de flori.
We have two bunch of flowers.
4. Voi sunteti in clasa a patra.
You aren't in fourth class.
5 El are un mar si doua portocale.
He has un apple an two orange.

6. Ea este in curtea scolii cu prietena ei.

She is in the schoolyard with her friend.

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