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On Friday night from 6:00pm to 6:00am CEFCM had 9 volunteers: Tobias Vaugh, Jakob Schifo, Trish
Barrett, Larry Bunting, George Williams, Jake Barrett, Abby Eichstedt, Elizabeth Eichstedt and Pastor Jason.

served in our temporary church building as a part of One Winter Night. It was a chilly, challenging
night of ministry raising awareness of the homeless situation in Champaign Urbana.

Tobias Vaugh
Jakob Schifo
in our Temporary
Church Building!

YOU matter more than you know. God has chosen

you (John 15:16) and called you to be a part of His
bride, the church. Therefore, YOU make a crucial
difference in how the church loves, serves, shares
the gospel and sees lives changed for the glory of God. My question to you today is how are you doing
that? We have tons of ways, BIG and small that you can make a difference through the church. God
chose you. Now ask Him to send you to serve!

Jake Barrett, Elizabeth

Eichstedt, Larry
Bunting , Abby
Eichstedt and Peggy

With the state and

county budgets
gutted, C-U at Home
is now the one of a
few offering crucial
care for the more than 1,000 homeless people
in Champaign Urbana:

- Education and Healthcare Programs.

- Work Programs.
- Helping the Homeless to gain housing.
- On the spot transportation
to detox programs in Peoria.




Our Awesome Donors

and Box Dwellers
raised over $1,400 for
C-U at Home!
Praise the Lord!



and Brian

Students Raising

Thursdaruary 11th!

is Invit

Thursday, February 11th, 2016 we will be hosting Tom and Lynn Suchy for a night of sharing on
their mission to Mongolia from 6:00 to 8:00pm. We will have a variety of pies, ice creams and
coffee for the evening. We will be joined by Community Evangelical Free Church of Champaign
who also support the Suchys.
Please call the church office to RSVP for this time of sharing so we ensure that we have enough
desserts for everyone.

Vance is turning in his

missionary support
envelope! Way to go Vance
and ALL the others who
gave their Christmas,
birthday and allowance
money to support the
Suchy's mission to reach
people with the gospel of
Jesus in Mongolia.
Do you still have an envelope to turn in or want to fill one? Available in the foyer.
Please fill and drop off before Thursday night when we will present it to them.

Mens BSF (Revelation) !





Ladies Bible Study Fellowship

First Christian Church Champaign

War Room Bible Study 9:30am

Upstairs at CEFCM

Wednesday 2/10

Mens Bible Study Fellowship

6:45pm First Baptist Church Savoy
Martial Arts - Free! 6:00pm

Thursday 2/11


Ladies BSF (Revelation)! 9:10am
War Room Study! !
Henrikson Community Group
(meeting at church) !!
Student Ministry!




Youth Group 6:00pm

Overseers Meeting 7:30pm

Mens Coffee!!

Elders Meeting 8:00pm

Suchy Dessert Night 6:00pm

Adult Gospel Project !

with Mike Piasecki


with Jim Sackett

Adult Sunday School






Worship Practice 8:00pm

Mens Coffee 7:00am
Basketball 8:30am

Christian Education 9:30am
Childrens Sunday School 9:30am
Kids Church 10:45am
Worship Gathering 10:45am

AWANA 6:00pm

with Jerry Unger

Standard Lesson Series ! 9:30am


with Bruce Henrikson

Precepts: Covenant !


with the ladies of CEFCM



Interested in joining?
Email Bruce at:

Sermon Outline
2/7/16 Isaiah the King and His Glory

Question: When, why, and how does

God discipline us when we sin?

Prayers of renewal acknowledge our drift and His absence,
they confess sin and celebrate Gods righteousness, they
take hold of Gods revelation not our perception, they are
motivated by a passion for Gods glory and not necessarily
our needs.
Hebrews 2:1

Answer: The Lord's discipline is an often-ignored fact of

life for believers. We often complain about our
circumstances without realizing that they are the
consequences of our own sin and are a part of the
Lord's loving and gracious discipline for that sin. This
self-centered ignorance can contribute to the formation
of habitual sin in a believer's life, incurring even greater

Exposition: Isaiah 63 and 64 ______________________

Isaiah 63:15
Prayers of Renewal begin when we acknowledge our drift
and His absence.
Isaiah 63:15, 64:12, Matthew 6:9-13!
Isaiah 63:16
Prayers of Renewal take hold of Gods revelation not our
Acts 8:1-4, Hebrews 13:8
Isaiah 63:17
Prayers of renewal confesses sin and celebrates Gods
Psalm 106:13, Isaiah 64:6, John 8:34,
Hebrews 12:11-12, Proverbs 3:11-12
Isaiah 64:1-2
Prayers of Renewal are motivated by a passion for Gods
glory and not necessarily our needs.
1 Corinthians 2:9, isaiah 59:14, 9:14, Luke 12:48
Isaiah 64:3-5
Romans 15:4, Ephesians 3:20-21
Isaiah 64:8-9

Discipline is not to be confused with cold-hearted

punishment. The Lord's discipline is a response of His
love for us and His desire for each of us to be holy. My
son, do not despise the LORDs discipline and do not
resent his rebuke, because the LORD disciplines those
he loves, as a father the son he delights in (Proverbs
3:11-12; see also Hebrews 12:5-11). God will use
testing, trials, and various predicaments to bring us back
to Himself in repentance. The result of His discipline is a
stronger faith and a renewed relationship with God
(James 1:2-4), not to mention destroying the hold that
particular sin had over us.
The Lord's discipline works for our own good, that He
might be glorified with our lives. He wants us to exhibit
lives of holiness, lives that reflect the new nature that
God has given us: As obedient children, do not conform
to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance.
But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all
you do; for it is written: Be holy, because I am holy
(1 Peter 1:15-16).

Did you miss a

Do you want to share
what you have heard
at your church with
a friend?

On the web at:
Or subscribe to the podcast:

February 17th, at 6:30pm, ALL COMMITTEE

STEERING MEETING, to plan out the
upcoming ministry activities for 2016. This
will allow us to be better prepared to serve
our community of faith. Everyone is invited.
Pizza and drinks will be provided for those who are
attending. This meeting should be 1.5 hours long.

Mens BIG Breakfast - Saturday, February 27th,

at 7:00am (after that every 4th Saturday)
If you are a man at CEFCM dont just put this on
your calendar, but also invite some friends to
come eat the BIG breakfast, with BIG amounts of
bacon, discussing the BIG God in the Bible, and
hear the BIG calling of the Gospel.
Once a month we will gather to talk about being
men following God and glorifying him as we fulfill
our GREAT commission in our community.

If you are a dad or grand-dad bring your

sons and grand sons!
New to our congregation?
Want to learn more about us?
Want to become a member of

Sunday, February 14th

Upstairs @ 12:30pm Lunch Included
Leader: Elder Bruce Henrikson
Elder David Eichstedt

Recently, Pastor Jason
met with our new area superintendant, Mark Balmer, in
Bloomington. One of the goals that Pastor Jason has
for 2016 is to ensure that we are connected,
supported and truly exist as a part of our
Here are a few caveats from the meeting:

In 2016 Mark Balmer would like to come

and preach on a Sunday morning,
preferably during missions month, to
ensure that we keep keep the
denomination connected to the


Mark is also willing to come to an Elders

meeting so he can address any of the
concerns our leaders have concerning
the EFCA. Also, he wants to encourage
the Elders that no matter the size, the
church is an important part of the


The district wants to make fully available

to us any resources that we may need to
be a strong, healthy church that reaches
out to affect our community with the


Pastor Jason will be attending the

area ministerial in Morton monthly, so
that we can stay in constant
communication with the district. Mark
Balmer attends these meetings.

Pastor Jason is beyond encouraged by the

renewed commitment by the denomination. It is
our hope that we would be a strong part of the
EFCA not just because we support them, but
because they equally and also support us.

When Martyn Lloyd Jones was asked about the

impact of his ministry for the glory of Christ he
said, It was not the tenor in which I preached
or the pulpit from which I spoke, but the prayers
of the people of Westminster Chapel which
upheld the church.
Similarly, when J.D. Rockerfeller visited the
Tabernacle Church to see Charles Spurgeon
preach, he left saying that the ministry reach of
the Tabernacle was driven by the prayers of the
Every ministry throughout history that has left a
lasting mark for the glory of God, no matter the
size or shape, was rooted in the power of
Prayer, and every failed venture, no matter
how great for the Kingdom of God it may have
appeared, has failed where prayer has been
So, I am humbly asking you as your pastor and
shepherd to Pray. Pray for me and my family. It
is without a doubt the greatest single place of
support and struggle where you can stand
strong for us. We can never have too much
prayer covering us. Know that as you pray for
us, we are praying for you.
Pray for the Elders and Deacons. After every
Sunday service pray and ask the Lord to bless
and keep what was said, heal where healing
happened, to bring conviction where conviction
occurred, and to protect, guard and guide us.
Pray for our church, but please dont just pray
for blessing. Pray the tough prayers that will
place us firmly in the tension between Heaven
and Earth. Pray for the truth to be proclaimed,
for the perseverance of the saints, the unity of
the body, and the salvation of sinners.
Pray that we would find the strength to pray
separately and together in greater ways. Pray
that our love would be evident to all.

The goal of this simple book is to help Christians gain a Jesus-centered,

gospel-focused mentality while reading and applying the Scripture and
living together in the community of the church. Consider the book a
quick start guide to create a Christ-centered life and ministry.


We will have 11 copies available for $6 each Sunday so grab a coffee with a friend and talk
about this great book!


You Are

Did you know that your church has

a worship playlist set up through
Spotify? Simply download the
application on your iPad, iPhone,
Android phone, Android tablet or
laptop, and start worshipping with
your church where you are!

Connect to the church through these

great social media sites!
Facebook is a place where we will
share information and encouragement!
Just search:
Community Evangelical Free Church Mahomet

Need quick information? Twitter is a

quick connect to the church.
Just search: CommunityEFCA

Instagram is where we will post and

share pictures of what is happening in
your church. Just search: pastorjasonschifo

Youtube is our hub for videos of both

events and coming events in the
church. Just search: CFCMahomet

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