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1) Traduza as frases. Lembre-se que os verbos estão conjugados com a 3ª.

Pessoa do singular. Por isso estão acrescidos de “S”.

a. Marcia works in a clothes factory.

b. Luisa works in a big store.
c. Adão likes cars. He has a red car.
d. Nair travels every holiday.
e. José Santos drives his truck
f. Lucas reads the newspaper every day.
g. Marcos talks on the phone all time.
h. Millena studies geograph Wednesdays night.

2) Leia o texto:

In a big building at Laranjeiras neighborhood, live many people. Arthur is a
musician. He lives at 8th floor. He works at Funarbe, in Betim, downtown. At
Mondays to Fridays, Arthur wakes up at six o´clock, takes the bus and goes to
work. At night he plays his guitar.
Mary hates guitar. At night she goes out. She walks on the avenue because she
doesn´t like to stay home.
Luan is a fan of Arthur. Every night he goes to Arthur´s home, with his battery.
They plays many songs to later of night.
Carla is the building manager. She tries to help all residents. But Carla doesn´t
get this. She talks with Mary, She says Arthur doesn´t play guitar at night…
She is tired of this all. Does anybody help her?

Responda de acordo com o texto.

a) O texto refere-se a um prédio. Onde ele é localizado?
b) Quais os moradores citados no texto?
c) Qual deles mora no 8º. Andar?
d) Quem é o músico?
e) Quem odeia guitarra?
f) Quem toca bateria?
g) Quem é a síndica do prédio.
h) O que ela faz para ajudar as pessoas?
i) Ela consegue?
j) Como ela está?
k) A que horas o músico toca guitarra?
l) Quem não gosta de ficar em casa ouvindo a música e vai caminhar neste horário?

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