Fallacies TSN

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Facts of the Case.

The defendant has been charged with Carnapping under Republic Act 6539 by
taking a motor vehicle belonging to another without the latters consent. The
evidence will show that a second hand Porsche 911 Carrera with plate number ADF
8267 was stolen on the night of January 30, 2016. The next day, the defendant was
arrested driving the stolen car at Filinvest Exit. The defendants fingerprints were on
the keys used to steal the car. This was verified by Mr. Dalub Hasa, an expert in

Transcript Notes.
Judge: The prosecution can call its first witness.
Prosecutor: The People call the owner of the car.
Clerk: Please raise your right hand. Do you promise that the testimony you shall
give in the case before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but
the truth, so help you God?
Karko Yan (Car Owner): I do.
Clerk: Please state your name and your last name.
Karko Yan (Car Owner): Karko Yan.
Prosecutor: Where do you work?
KY: I import cars abroad and sell them in the country.
Prosecutor: What is the address of your business?
KY: Alabang Auto Exchange in Muntinlupa City, Daang Hari Road.
Prosecutor: Were you working there on the 30 th of January?
KY: Yes. I was.
Prosecutor: Was one of the cars you had for sale a second hand Porsche 911 Carrera
with plate number ADF 8267?
KY: Yes.
Prosecutor: Did you see the car on your store on 30 th of January?
KY: Yes. The car was there when we closed that night.
Prosecutor: Did you see the car again on 31st of January?
KY: No. It was missing when I got to work that morning.
Prosecutor: Where were the keys to the Porsche when you left on January 30 th?
KY: They were locked in the sales office.

Prosecutor: Where were the keys when you came back the next morning?
KY: They were still locked in the sales office.
Prosecutor: Did you file a report about the incident with the police?
KY: Yes. I did.
Prosecutor: Had you given anyone, including the defendant, permission to take or
drive the Porsche?
KY: No. I did not.
Prosecutor: Thank you. I have no further questions.
Judge: Does the defense have any questions?
Defense Attorney: Not at this time, Your Honor.
Judge: Very well, the witness is excused. The prosecution may call the next witness.
Prosecutor: The People call the arresting officer.
Clerk: Please raise your right hand. Do you promise that the testimony you shall
give in the case before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but
the truth, so help you God?
Patrolman Dar Ambong (Police Officer): I do.
Clerk: Please state your name and last name.
Pat. DA: Patrolman Dar Ambong.
Prosecutor: Officer, where do you work?
Pat. DA: I have worked for the Laguna Provincial Highway Patrol Group for the past
15 years.
Prosecutor: Were you on duty on the afternoon of January 31?
Pat. DA: Yes. I was patrolling on SLEX between San Pedro and Alabang.
Prosecutor: Did you observe a Porsche that afternoon?
Pat. DA: Yes I did.
Prosecutor: What was the license number?
Pat. DA: ADF 8267.
Prosecutor: Where did you first see the car?
Pat. DA: Going north, near the exit to Susana Heights.
Prosecutor: Why did you notice the car?
Pat. DA: Aside from the fact that it is one of kind, it fits the description of the car
which was on our list of stolen vehicles.

Prosecutor: Did you stop the Porsche?

Pat. DA: Yes. I sent a radio message to Filinvest Toll Gate when I noticed that it goes
to that exit. There we apprehended the driver of the car.
Prosecutor: Do you see the driver here in court?
Pat. DA: Yes. He is sitting there.
Prosecutor: After you arrested the defendant, did you search the car?
Pat. DA: Yes.
Prosecutor: What did you find?
Pat. DA: I found a set of keys in the ignition.
Prosecutor: (Showing the keys to the witness) Are these the keys you found?
Pat. DA: (Looking at the keys) Yes.
Prosecutor: Your Honor, I would like to have these keys marked as Peoples Exhibit 1
and ask that they be admitted as evidence.
Judge: Does the defense have any objection?
Defense Attorney: None, Your Honor.
Judge: The keys will be admitted as Peoples Exhibit 1.
Prosecutor: Officer, was there anything unusual about these keys?
Pat. DA: Yes. Based on my experience as a highway patrol officer, they looked like
shaved master keys.
Prosecutor: Can you please tell this court what shaved master keys are?
Pat. DA: Yes. They are keys that have been filed down so that they will start all
models of a type car. They are used as tools to steal cars.
Prosecutor: I have no further questions.
Judge: Does the defense wish to ask any questions?
Defense Attorney: Yes, Your Honor.
Defense Attorney: Officer, when you apprehended the car, you ordered my client to
turn off the ignition right?
Pat. DA: Yes, I did.
Defense Attorney: So, you saw the defendant touch the keys?
Pat. DA: Yes.
Defense Attorney: Do you know how far Alabang Auto Exchange is from the Filinvest

Pat. DA: Yes. About 6 kilometers.

Defense Attorney: Thank you, I have no further questions.
Judge: The witness is excused. Does the prosecution have any other witnesses?
Prosecutor: Yes, Your Honor. The People call the fingerprint expert.
Clerk: Please raise your right hand. Do you promise that the testimony you shall
give in the case before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but
the truth, so help you God?
Dalub Hasa (Expert): I do.
Clerk: Please state your name.
DH: Dalub Hasa.
Prosecutor: Where do you work?
DH: I am an NBI Investigator and a member of Fingerprint Identification Society of
the Philippines, Inc. I have been a qualified fingerprint examiner for 10 years.
Prosecutor: Have you seen these keys before?
DH: (Looking at the keys) Yes. I was asked to check them for fingerprints in the lab.
Prosecutor: Did you find any fingerprints on the keys as a result of your testing?
DH: Yes. There were several clear print impressions.
Prosecutor: Were you able to identify the defendants prints on the keys?
DH: Yes. The prints I found on two of the keys were identical to the fingerprints
taken from the defendant.
Prosecutor: Thank you. I have no further questions and no other witnesses, Your
Judge: Does the defense have any questions?
Defense Counsel: Yes. Your Honor. Mr. Dalub Hasa. Did you find other fingerprints on
the keys which did not belong to the defendant, am I correct?
DH: Yes. That is correct.
Defense Counsel: To whom do they belong?
DH: I dont know.
Defense Counsel: Thank you. I have no further questions.
Judge: The witness is excused.
Prosecutor: Your Honor, the People rest their case.
Judge: Is the defense ready with its case?

Defense Counsel: Yes, Your Honor. I call the defendant.

Clerk: Please raise your right hand. Do you promise that the testimony you shall
give in the case before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but
the truth, so help you God?
Jan Sakay (defendant): I do.
Clerk: Please state your name.
JS: Jan Sakay.
Defense Counsel: Where were you on the afternoon of February 9?
JS: I was in Bonjour at Total Gas Station in SLEX.
Defense Counsel: Did you see the Porsche at that location?
JS: Yes. A guy pulled into the parking lot in front of Bonjour driving it.
Defense Counsel: Did you talk to the driver?
JS: Yes. I asked him how fast it was.
Defense Counsel: What did he say?
JS: He said to get into the car and he would show me.
Defense Counsel: What did you do then?
JS: I got into the car and he drove it onto the expressway. It was really fast.
Defense Counsel: Do you know what the drivers name was?
JS: Yes. Hes name was Ryan.
Defense Counsel: What was his last name?
JS: I dont know. He never told me.
Defense Counsel: Have you met him before?
JS: No.
Defense Counsel: Did he tell you where he got the car?
JS: He said he had stolen the car.
Defense Counsel: When did he tell you that?
JS: When we were on the expressway.
Defense Counsel: How far did you ride with him?
JS: Until Shell Station in SLEX. He didnt stop before then.
Defense Counsel: What happened when you reach Shell?
JS: He said he was getting out and I could have the car.

Defense Counsel: Did you take the car at that time?

JS: Yes.
Defense Counsel: Where did you go?
JS: I started to drive it to Alabang so I could return the car.
Defense Counsel: How did you know where to return it?
JS: Ryan told me that it was from Alabang Auto Exchange.
Defense Counsel: Where were you when the officer arrested you?
JS: Filinvest exit.
Defense Counsel: Do these keys belong to you?
JS: (Looking at the keys) No.
Defense Counsel: Have you seen them before?
JS: Yes. They were in the Porsche.
Defense Counsel: Did you touch them?
JS: Yes. When I turned off the car after the officer stopped me.
Defense Counsel: Thank you. I have no further questions and no other witnesses,
Your Honor.
Judge: Does the prosecution have any questions?
Prosecutor: Yes. Your Honor. What did this Ryan look like?
JS: I dont remember exactly.
Prosecutor: What kind of clothes was he wearing?
JS: I am not sure. Jeans and a white t-shirt.
Prosecutor: So, you just got into his car with someone you didnt know and had
never seen before?
JS: Yes. I had never seen a Porsche before.
Prosecutor: Did it occur to you at any time to call the police?
JS: Yes but I dont have a police number with me. Once I started back, I just kept
Prosecutor: You wanted to drive the Porsche because it was a fast car?
JS: I guess so.
Prosecutor: You knew the car was stolen at the time you were driving it, didnt you?
JS: Yes.

Prosecutor: I have no further questions.

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