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Department purchased a robot Model: SCORBOT ER-V Plus in AY 2000-2001 for

robotics lab with the DOS based control software Advance Terminal Software (ATS). At
present the robot is not working condition due to problems in its gripper assembly (broken
gear pair).
The department tried to resolve this problem at the local level but the broken gears of
the gripper assembly motor (19.5:1 Gear Ratio Motor) are not available in the market and
they are very difficult to manufacture as well.
Subsequently, the department referred the problem to the robot supplier, Intelitek.
Maintenance persons from Intelitek recommended that:
The DOS based system has become obsolete and the repair is possible only after
upgradation of the existing robot SCORBOT ER-V Plus to SCORBOT ER-4U, but
upgradation is only for the controller and not for the mechanical parts.

The tentative price quoted for Upgradation (including mechanical parts) is $ 8389/Moreover, there is no warranty for the mechanical parts of robot after upgradation.


The price of a new robot SCORBOT ER-4U with Scrobase USB software is $ _____/-

In this situation, it is not meaningful to upgrade the existing robot as the cost of
upgradation is comparatively very high and there is no warranty after repair. Hence, it is
advisable to purchase a new robot (with warranty) for the robotics lab as the approx. price of
the new robot is also comparable.

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