72 Names in This Moment

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When we start to think about God our thought I would come up short.

This because the

nature of God is by definition infinite. However it is the nature of this infinity that
provides us with myriad ways of approaching God. Therefore in Torah are defined
numerous names of God which we can ascribe to the various aspects of what is being
shown to in that moment of reflection.
Now besides the usual names that we find in Torah that describe God as master or
powerful or Lord or Elohim there are also countless hidden names of God. Are sages
have been able to derive a very special sequence of names call the 72 names of God
from Parasha Beshalach verses 14:19 to 21.
The 72 names of God are derived using an at atbash cypher. This produces 72 three
letter names of God. By divine providence each of these three verses is also 72 letters
long so that when you use a cipher to arrange them it comes out so that there are 72
three letter combinations.
It is significant to find these 72 three letter combinations at this particular point in the
narrative. This is because here is where the Red Sea opens and Israel goes through on
dry land escaping the Egyptian.
On the one hand there is a story to be told. On the other hand there is a mystical
transformation that is taking place. This transformation has to do with how Israel views
itself in regards to the Egyptians and in regard to their new found appreciation and
recognition of God.
Each three letter combination represents another facet of their aspect towards God. We
can see that as they move through on dry land and come out on the other side that they
have accomplished much. And then when we see the Egyptians perish under the waters
they have reached another level of awakening.
Whereas before they prayed to God and asked for deliverance now they are able to
have the certainty of that deliverance and have that awareness of God with them at all
Now Moses simply takes hold of his staff and stretches out his hand over the waters. He
doesn't say anything. Everything that must be done is contained in that simple gesture.
All the people know what that gesture means. As a result of that gesture the 72 names

are activated and assume their part within the consciousness of each of the people of
Israel who cross over the Red Sea at that time.
In a sense this crossing is always taking place with the intention of Moshe stretching his
hand and the staff over the waters and the agency of the 72 names. It is the divine
drama unfolding. Within consciousness meditation upon the 72 names is very much
suggested for any monumental undertaking. The object of this meditation similar to the
object of Moses meditation in passing through the Red Sea is a greater awareness of
God. It is this greater awareness which allows the transcendence of the very matter
itself in order to produce the miracles that follow.

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