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PQCNC CABSI Reduction Initiative Regional Meetings

What to do before you come:

1.) Get all your data in (including the aggregate catheter days)this week so we can
crunch the numbers and give you 5 months of data back (November-March)
2.) Look at the staff members who have really participated actively in the initiative and
consider bringing one or two of them to this event. The front line staffs hold the keys
to getting to zero!

What to expect/bring:
This will be an open session with a loosely structured agenda to allow for as much
interaction among team members as possible. Come prepared to share any work your team
has done on this project (or to talk about why it has not done any work) and to discuss
areas of success and remaining challenges in reducing or eliminating CABSI in the Newborn
Critical Care Nurseries.

We are encouraging a "show and tell" format, so bring examples of policies, photos of
bulletin boards, modifications your team has made to the data collection sheet, examples of
how your lines are assembled to create closed systems (or not), information about the
continuing evolution of your line carts, the unit’s changing culture, ideas for celebrations,
…Bring materials and discussion items to showcase your work and your progress.

At the September learning sessions, each hospital team's members had an opportunity to
interact with each other to develop a plan, but there was not enough time for different
teams to interact. At the PQCNC annual meeting in December, the most fruitful part of the
day were the "town meetings" when teams had an opportunity to exchange ideas with each
other (according to the evaluations we received), but there was not enough time allotted for
those discussions. This meeting will be entirely devoted to allowing teams to work together
to identify strategies to eliminate infections; another “All Teach-All Learn” event.


9:30-10:00 Arrival and coffee

10:00-10:20 Introductions

10:20-12:00 Round Robin Sharing

12:00-12:45 Lunch

12:45-1:45 Data Discussion

1:45-2:00 Next Steps

2:00 Adjourn

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