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The Lumiere brothers were one of the first people that made

film but they did not edit, they mostly used static shots. This
made them pioneers because without them editing would have
not been invented because they made film take off and got
people interested in film. They made a film of a train coming in
to its station this frightened a lot of people because they
thought it was a real train. What the Lumiere brothers used to
film this clip of the train was the Cinmatographe this was the
first film recorder this was what they used for their static shots.
George Melies he was the first person that used special effects
these special effect were shown on one of his most famous
films called the voyage to the moon. What he used to add
colour was paint. What he did was paint on the film, this was an
early example of drawn on film. He was also the first
cinemagician this means he filmed magic. He also invented
dissolves which he used in a lot of his films like the voyage to
the moon. He also made narratives this was show in the film
voyage to the moon because it tells a story. He thought the
narrative was an important part of film and he was right.
Edwin S Porter invented crosscutting which is where you have
two different scenes that are put together to add emotion or
make the narrative stronger this was an important invention
because it makes a film more understandable. Edwin S Porters
most famous film was could The Great Train Robbery which
used crosscutting which made it famous because it helped the
narrative to be easy to understand but Edwin s porter did not
uses crosscutting to its full ability which was ok because it let
other people like D W Griffith to continue his work.
D W Griffith took Edwin S Porter work and refined it, he made
crosscutting better which helped us today because it helps are
films. Crossediting also creates rhythm and space between
films. He also did lots of different shots in film like different
angles and from different distance. He also cut up his scenes to
show different angles on the same motion.
Lev Kuleshov made a famous film that has 3 images but 1 clip
of a man. The images were food, a dead girl and a girl on a sofa
and in-between these images is the same clip of the man. The
film he made was an experiment which makes people see

different emotions from different pictures such as food so the

man looks hunger this made a lot of people think his face
changed but it didnt its just peoples mind trying to see
emotion in the mans face.
Eisenstein made a film called the battle ship Potemkin this film
was about the Tsar sending his troops down the stairs to kill all
of the people this film used a lot of different shots. He also
made montages this revolutionized film because it aloud film
makers to show a lot of content in a very short time or can be
used to show the main characters progress.
La nouvelle vogue ( the new wave) were directors but they
broke all of the rule like the 180 degree rule they did this
because they had been forced to make classical Hollywood
films and it broke them. they also made editing techniques
such as jump cutting this would help keep the speed and
rhythm. They also did experiments with film that is how they
found out that the jump cutting works.
In camera editing is where you keep starting and stopping the
film with the camera film sill in the camera which creates
special effect an example of this is voyage the moon which was
created by George melies. But there is a problem with in
camera editing if you mess up a shot you have to do it again
because you cannot edit it.
The moviola was named after a famous phonograph which
name was Victrola and the company who made it was could
Victor Company they made it in 1924. Because it was so
expensive people couldnt have one in their household. Iwan
Serrurier came up with the idea when he noticed editors
needed an easy way to edit and see the clips. The first
customer was Douglas Fairbanks after him lots of companies
started to buy them such as MGM, Warner brothers and
universal. The flatbed or the steenbeck is basically a moviola
on a table this was used to edit and it was made in 1931.
The first Ampex invention was could the VTR which stands for
video tape recorder this allowed people to film using magnetic
tape this was made in 1956. The next thing that Ampex made
was could the VTR 1000 which was made 2 years after the VTR

this was made in 1958 this was used to create new methods of
editing and it allowed invisible frames.
Linear editing is where you have film reals and you put them
together and in order they cant put the reels in different bits
because it would take too much time to cut up before the VRT.
Linear editing isnt really used anymore because non-linear
editing allows you to do so much more.
Non-linear editing is where you have lots of different clips and
you can put them were you want so you cut and change the
footage with more freedom and creativity. This type of editing
helps editors to make a better shot because you can have lots
of clips just for one movement or for a scene.
The purpose of editing this is where you have time, space and
rhythm time is where you can stretch the clips or shorten clips
and it is where you put clips in different places so it is show in
different time throughout the film . The space is where there
cut is understandable and believable and is not in the same
shot. Rhythm the length of the shots is edited to the beat so
that it keeps to a the rhythm and it gives a more entertaining

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