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Christan Mikhael D.

Miracle Medical Center:
Caught in the Health-Care Squeeze
Case Analysis


Point of View
It will be the point of view of Ms. Lindsay Davenport. As the HR director of
the company she has the direct position to manipulate employees around
the company. And their department are the one who evaluates
workmanship and behavior.


Problem Statement
As they solve the solution of reducing the cost by downsizing. Now the
problem is the bonuses and incentives were given to all the members of
the group in which it started the dissatisfaction of the employees because
only few did anything towards cost saving as Tom Gullikson stated.


Objectives for Solving the Problem

New incentive scheme to motivate employees and to work hard of their
given task.
Reevaluate the cause and effect in downsizing employees.


Areas of Consideration
The institution maintains a full range of services.
The MMC have the best facilities in mid-Atlantic region
The company has downsizing thus employee were some are the most
The technical blood work lab has new initiative in which they were able to
The company are giving bonuses to cost-saving units.


Alternative Courses of Action

Bonuses will be evaluated differently. Example for laboratory they will be
evaluated by outcomes basis and for the nurses will be evaluated through
patient feed, coworkers and supervisors or how many patients they
Have a team building or vacations rather than bonuses.

Improve the collection of reimbursement from patients with public

assistance and perhaps limit the acceptance of beneficiaries.
Remain as a medical center that caters to the wealthy as well as to the
poor but must be able to reduce the number of specialized services it
Hiring additional employees to the department who have more patients.


Bonuses will be evaluated differently. Example for laboratory they will be
evaluated by outcomes basis and for the nurses will be evaluated through
patient feed, coworkers and supervisors or how many patients they
handle. And there will be combination of unit and individual incentives.
Ask opinion and feedback by random employees, supervisors


Moral Value
People have different behavior so giving and award or incentives must
have a strong basis to avoid discomfort.

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