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ThyExperiments Towards Truth

The Sex Scandal Experiment

Saptarishis Astrology
Copy Editor: Andree Leclerc, Canada

n the last issue we brought out an old manuscript on Jaimini called Jyotish
Phalaratnamala translated by Chandrashekhar Sharma its series will
continue in coming volumes of Saptarishis Astrology. This work of Krishna
Mishra (probably 6th Century) remained unknown outside of Andhra Pradesh
and it was preserved within Andhra Pradesh by Jaimini astrologers mainly.
Astrologers outside this place did not hear of it or were never able to quote a single
verse from Phalaratnamala though this work is supposed to be from the Ujjain area
and no further clarity was brought on it even though the author, Krishnamishra,
mentions King Vikramaditya. Many in Andhra Pradesh consider this work to be a
work on Jaimini Astrology but actually it is a Complete Shastra In Itself containing
even Parasari Astrology and the verses in it just cannot be ignored. Some of these
verses are so rare that it is astounding to note that this work was hidden for so
many centuries with maximum one or two references to it.


ecently, when Tiger Woods came back into limelight, simultaneously this
verse from Phalaratnamala was thrown at our face a new verse is like a
new born baby, all of us fall in love with the kid. This love enabled some
interesting observations and experiments to follow. These experiments are non
conclusive but aim at reaching the truth. It is being shared with others so that
someone cleverer and gifted among you can take it forward and further, most
importantly, share with everyone. If it misguides you we are sorry as these are only
Rough Notes. May Mahatma Gandhi guide us in our experiments with truth.

@v< hs<yaege Vy< svRda zumzu< va,

ujmae dzaya< cet! Vyye svRSvhaind.11.

eva grahasayoge draavya sarvad ubhamaubha v |
bhujagamo day cet vyaye sarvasvahnida ||11||

Translation: In this manner should be seen good and bad results from position
of grahas. When Rahu is in 12th from dasha rasi he tends to destroy everything
(wealth and property).

The Sex Scandal Technique

Some Observations & Thoughts
a) Use Chara Dasa1 of Vemuri Shastry as propagated by K N Rao
b) Observe the Dasa or Antar Dasa (Main or Sub period) of Chara dasa
and if Rahu is placed 12th from it.
c) See if some scandals happened or loss of fame.
d) Same is the case if 8th from Dasa/AD sign there is Rahu
e) At the end of the day see this for defamation and some kind of loss of
f) Do not predict with this technique for sex scandals since you have to
first use Yogas to find out if scandal is written in a chart or not.2
g) Use this technique to time it along with transits.
h) It has also been observed that AD or MD of sign containing Rahu also
brings in scandals
i) Same is the case if 8th from Dasa/AD sign there is Rahu
Common Sense Approach
Although some of the charts below show sex scandals, it does not mean that
for every sex scandal chart, the event would have happened when Rahu was in
the 8th from the dasa sign. Some Other Combination would have been active.
One thing we learned from C S Patel is called the Common Sense Approach as
often we find in forums and private conversations with astrologers that they
Here we have used Chara dasa, but ideally it should be the dasa best applicable for a
particular chart & situation. Next to Chara Dasa is what is recommended is
Padanaathamsa Dasa but we await software programmers to program Irangantijis
version and also Y. Krishna Raos version of Padanaathamsa Dasa so that one can test it
2 This is not meant for senior astrologers as it can be demeaning to them but meant for
the young ones who use a technique/dasa without checking yogas and predict fast. It
has been observed that in forums even senior astrologers forget this and behave like
young ones without checking yogas.

criticize the techniques of writers stating that so and so did not happen under
a given combination in an article. It is to be noted that some other
combination could have given the result as the Rishis have given various
combinations for a single event of life.
Unconditional Apology
Astrologers like journalists create bad karma at times by using lives of people
like guinea pigs to sensationalize their articles. Using charts of bad periods of
people or celebs or their sex scandals is so easy with astrologers but when
someone else writes about the astrologers bad periods or scandals, astrologers
find it offensive. Our intention here in this or any other article of ours is not
to make judgement on anyones life or sexual habits or his bad periods yet
we do apologize to the celebs whose charts are taken here as guinea pigs to
exhibit a technique. Only those who go through tough periods in life know
the feeling when they are talked about by others, astrologers forget this.
Chart 1: Tiger Woods

Chara dasa of K.N.Rao (modified version of a phalita rasi dasa):

Pi MD: 2002-12-30 - 2014-12-30
Sc AD: 2009-12-30 - 2010-12-30
Sc sign is in the 3H of ones actions & unlocking of Karma, 12th from it
one would find Rahu in Libra, 12th from Dasa sign, this satisfies the verse of
Krishna Mishra and as per the above verse it should destroys ones everything.
Also note here Rahu is in the 2nd House of ones status and name and thats

what happened in the case of Tiger Woods whose name was spoilt as he
became the joke of the sporting world when his sexual affairs came out more
intensely during the above Sc period. It started just few days before the Sc
period started when Li AD was ending which had Rahu in it and it coincided
with the Bhrighu Saral Paddathi Rule that Rahu implements its 7th aspect in the 34th
year and Ketus 7th aspect in the 34th year. Rahus (scandal) 7th aspect would be on
the 8H of sex scandals. It is reported that many companies dropped him from
their advertisements which has probably resulted in some monetary loss, not
sure as we do not follow news minutely.
On November 25, 2009, supermarket tabloid The National Enquirer published a
story claiming that Woods had an extramarital affair with nightclub manager Rachel
Uchitel, a claim she denied. The story began to attract media attention when Woods
had a car accident a day and a half later. He was leaving his home around 2:30 a.m. in
his SUV, a 2009 Cadillac Escalade, when he collided with a hedge, a fire hydrant, and
finally a tree down the street. Woods was treated for minor facial lacerations, and
cited for careless driving. He refused to speak to the police and the accident fanned
intense speculation for the following two days until he released a statement on his
website. He took blame for the crash, but said it was a private matter; he also praised
his wife Elin for getting him out of the car.
Woods announced a short time later that he would not play in or attend his own
charity golf tournament, the Chevron World Challenge (two weeks after
Thanksgiving), or any other remaining tournaments in 2009.
Interest in the story grew, until San Diego cocktail waitress Jaimee Grubbs publicly
claimed in the gossip magazine US Weekly that she had a two-and-a-half-year affair
with Woods.
After over a dozen women claimed in various media outlets that they had affairs
with Woods, media pressure increased. On December 11, he released another
statement, admitting to infidelity, offering another apology, and announcing an
indefinite hiatus from professional golf.
Chart 2: Bill Clinton

Chara dasa of K.N.Rao (modified version of a phalita rasi dasa):

Ar MD: 1997-08-18 - 2002-08-18
Antardasas in this MD:
Ta: 1997-08-18 - 1998-01-17
Ge: 1998-01-17 - 1998-06-19
The sign of Gemini is in the 10th house of profession and 12th from it there is
Taurus where Rahu is sitting, satisfying the verse of Krishna Misra and our
derivation that it can give sexual scandal or defame. You can read below and
notice that the Gemini antar dasa started on 17th Jan 1998 and exactly on the
same date the scandal broke out.
MonicaGate Scandal
News of the scandal first broke on January 17, 1998 on the Drudge
Report website, which reported that Newsweek editors were sitting on a story
by investigative reporter Michael Isikoff exposing the affair. The story broke
in the mainstream press on January 21 in The Washington Post. The story
swirled for several days and, despite swift denials from Clinton, the clamor
for answers from the White House grew louder.
During the deposition, Clinton was asked "Have you ever had sexual relations
with Monica Lewinsky, as that term is defined in Deposition Exhibit 1, as
modified by the Court?" The judge ordered that Clinton be given an
opportunity to review the agreed definition. Afterwards, based on the
definition created by the Independent Counsel's Office, Clinton answered "I
have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky." Clinton later stated
that he believed the agreed-upon definition of sexual relations excluded his
receiving oral sex.
President Clinton was held in contempt of court by judge Susan D. Webber
Wright. His license to practice law was suspended in Arkansas and later by
the United States Supreme Court. He was also fined $90,000 for giving false
testimony which was paid by a fund raised for his legal expenses.
Thus you can see that during this period he lost some money and also name

Chart 3: Woody Allen Film Maker

American comedian, writer, actor and film director, screenwriter, playwright

and musician, gifted and appealing. He was the writer and director of the 1977
film "Annie Hall" which won four Oscars in 1978. On 4th August 1992 Woody
Allen was accused of Incest Perpetuation with his step daughter, please note that
he was running the Chara Dasa of Capricorn, 12th from it is Rahu placed in the
5H of children, she was his step daughter.
Chara dasa of K.N.Rao (modified version of a phalita rasi dasa):
Cp MD: 1983-12-01 - 1994-12-01
Pi AD: 1992-03-01 - 1993-01-30
The antardasa was of Pisces who is the sign of the 8H of sexual scandals; its
lord is Jupiter (children) who is also 5L and dispositor of Rahu.
Chart 4: Child Molester from Astro Data Bank

Child molester who was attracted to young teenagers and indicted in 1974 for
molesting his own daughter. When his wife reached the age 32, he lost sexual
interest in her. An alcoholic, he was drunk two-three nights a week.
Chara dasa of K.N.Rao (modified version of a phalita rasi dasa):
Cp MD: 1964-02-04 - 1976-02-03
Aq AD: 1974-02-03 - 1975-02-03
He seems to have been indicted in 1974 as per the above report of
AstroDataBank. It is presumed that it must have happened after Jan Feb of
1974 and this presumption is a fixology in a way due to the exact date of
indictment not given. Aq is the dasa rasi AD sign and 12th from it there is
Rahu placed thereby creating the defamation and scandal.

Chart 5: Michel Arth from Astro Data Bank The Aspect Parameter

The more parameters used in any article, the more fixology can be done; the more
divisional charts or sign aspects you use the more fixology happens as per critics of
simple astrology and they are right, yet this case is presented keeping in view the
experiment attitude.
Belgian retired school teacher, living on an invalids pension and
astrology readings. He was interested in the occult and particularly, in black
magic. From 1978 to 1993 he raped, tortured, filmed and even lent to other
abusers, a young 12-year-old, her twin brother and their little sister - and this with
their parents knowledge and complicity! Arth was arrested on 12/13/1995 and
sentenced on 11/14/1996 to ten years in jail.
Now during 1995-96 he was running the Chara dasa of Aries. 12th from Aries
no Rahu is found but, if one uses sign aspects of Rishi Jaimini, Rahu and
Saturn sitting in the 8H of sex scandals aspect (carry their energy) to the sign
of Pisces which is the 5H of children (he did it with kids) and it is 12th from
the sign of Aries, the Dasa rasi.
Chara dasa of K.N.Rao (modified version of a phalita rasi dasa):
Ar MD: 1991-05-24 - 2002-05-23

Note that the Dasa was of Aries and in Navamsa, Rahu is in the 12th from
Aries in the 5th house of children, one may note that he raped tortured children
and also one may note that Navamsa is defined as Fruits of Ones Life in
Bhuvan Deepika if we are not wrong.
For 5 years we have used D60 in our experiments as a lone chart and most of
the times it becomes much clearer in D 60.
D 60 of Arth Michel



For effectively using D 60, everyone claims that the time of birth should be
perfectly correct but, incidentally, thats not totally true as we found out. See the
Dasa rasi under consideration is Aries and Rahu is placed 12th from it along
with A8 (sex scandals) thus giving him defamation during this period. It is
also aspected by Jupiter (karaka for children) from the 5H of children showing
his crimes against children. Please note in D60 nodes change instantly and in
this case go to the 2H if you take mean nodes. D 60 is the place where mean vs
true nodes can be easily tested. You need to decide yourself whether to use
true nodes or mean nodes. Also as we have repeated before, most of the time
there is no need to correct D60 yet most westerners land up spending
hundreds of dollars on getting their D 60 lagna corrected while Indian
Parampara astrologers are more than happy to receive these dollars.
Chart 6: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Allegations of sexual and personal misconduct

During his initial campaign for governor, allegations of sexual and personal
misconduct were raised against Schwarzenegger (dubbed Gropegate). Within
the last five days before the election, news reports appeared in the Los Angeles
Times recounting allegations of sexual misconduct from several individual
women, six of whom eventually came forward with their personal stories.
Three of the women claimed he had grabbed their breasts, a fourth said he
placed his hand under her skirt on her buttock. A fifth woman claimed
Schwarzenegger tried to take off her bathing suit in a hotel elevator, and the
last says he pulled her onto his lap and asked her about a particular sex act.
Schwarzenegger admitted that he has "behaved badly sometimes" and
apologized, but also stated that "a lot of [what] you see in the stories is not true".

This came after an interview in adult magazine Oui from 1977 surfaced, in
which Schwarzenegger discussed attending sexual orgies and using substances
such as marijuana. Schwarzenegger is shown smoking a marijuana joint after
winning Mr. Olympia in the 1975 documentary film Pumping Iron.
Not knowing the exact dates of the allegations but vaguely remembering it was
during the time of his election as Governor of California, just before this
event which happened on 17th Nov 2003, when he took oath. So around that
period the sexual allegations would have come out. Some search got us the
date of the scandal
October 2, 2003 (five days before the gubernatorial election) the LA Times ran the story and he issued
a subsequent apology. Here is a link for that story:
http://www.cnn. com/2003/ ALLPOLITICS/ 10/02/otsc. arnold.statement /index.html

Chara dasa of K.N.Rao (modified version of a phalita rasi dasa):

Li MD: 1996-07-29 - 2005-07-29
From Libra Mahadasa Rahu is in the 8th house as pointed out in Point (d) at the start
of this article.
After this article was written some friends and contacts chipped in with the
exact dates of the allegation. Let us use Chara Dasa in D 60, and see what
some astrologers had to write about the Mr. Schwarzenegger and, though it
might be gossip, its proper that we should not always write against celebs and
use their sex scandals in articles. We must also portray their good sides.
I kept running into Arnold, Maria and the children as I spent a lot of time in Santa Monica and
enjoyed his Schatzi restaurant (the whole family has riveting, beautiful blue eyes, in person). They
seemed really lovely. I was also friends with a lady who dated one of Arnold's buddies before he was
married. He had a colorful life, from what I understand. After he met Maria, his friend didn't
have Arnold to party with anymore. So, I honestly believe he had his bachelor days and then found a
new life with Maria. I'm sorry they had to endure a scandal with children. But then, if you're a
Kennedy child, I guess you understand how public life works.
Arnold married Maria on April 26, 1986, time unknown.
Debbie Keil-Leavitt

Chara dasa of K.N.Rao (modified version of a phalita rasi dasa):

Li MD/ Le AD: 2003-04-29 - 2004-01-28 (date of scandal is 2nd Oct 2003)
The 12th from it in D60 is empty for the Mahadasha is of Libra, but its lord
Mercury has gone with Rahu in the 11 H (true nodes), the AD period was of
Leo and 12th from it is Rahu satisfying our derivation of the verse of this
ancient Jaimini work called Jyotish Phalaratnamala of the Great Krishna
Chart 7: Chart posted on Forum
The complete picture is as follows.
My elder sister used to teach in a computer institute where she had fallen in
love with a fellow student, the affair as told by her started in 2005, and on 1st
2007,she got married in a run-away situation from her institute for few hours, with the
support of office colleagues, and returned back. We had no knowledge
about all this when a 3rd person informed us, and it was too late then. We were much
scared about the defamation in family, so we along with my sister and parents left the
city and moved to Bangalore. Her marriage was unregistered. Since 2007-till 2010 now,
we wished that she would change her mind. Reasons-the person she has married, we
have never met, nor talked.
Some astrologers at that time told us that it was a Tantric trap, by the group on my
sister, but the truth is that she is very much attached to the person.
We have no idea what to do, because marriage in such situations can be very
exploitative, because it was done in antisocial way. So currently since past 3 yrs, me my
sister and parents are all staying under one roof, unknowing what to do. There is a
complete criss-cross situation within the 4 of us.
Since the person she has chosen is not properly settled in education or
professionally it makes a tough choice to accept, just on basis of love, even we
do not know whether it is true from both sides.
Please guide, what exactly we can do because my parents are worried about my marriage
also, I am 31 now. They cannot do that also nor can I without the sister life getting
properly settled. No one would wish to marry in a family with such a
critical situation.
When will we return our home happily back again?
Best Regards

Below happens to be the birth details of my elder sister. Her chart is an example of
secret Love Marriage in 2007, with disreputation in society after marriage. Also rejection
by our family, followed by separation distancing, the marriage happens to be a person of
very low status, in terms of caste and financial.
DOB 25 jan 1976.
TOB 2:35 am.
Place :Lucknow
best regards
Ashish .
Marriage was 1st of February 2007 time around 12-2pm., Lucknow
We left city on 15 March 2007, 6:30 pm., Lucknow

In India brothers have to undergo lot of stress on account of their sisters whereas it is
not severe in western countries. During her marriage on 1st Feb 2007 Gemini MD of Chara
dasa was running.
Chara dasa of K.N.Rao (modified version of a phalita rasi dasa):
Ge: 2007-01-24 - 2014-01-24 (note the Gemini dasa just started and event happened)
The stress to the family on account of bad reputation is experienced from 2007 onwards
where Ge dasa is running, there is Mars in the 12th from Ge in Rasi chart and this does not
conform to the Krishna Mishra rule but if one observes the Navamsa which in India is
primarily considered for marriage, 12th from the sign of Gemini is Rahu placed with Venus
(Rahu Venus scandal/disrepute in love). Thus the family is suffering due to Rahu being in
the 12th from Dasa Rasi Gemini.
t times we have even found in other charts that Rahu is in the 2nd or 6th from dasa
sign or even 5th but that brings in more parameters and parametric astrology has
been rejected by practising astrologers in many circles hence it was not presented at
the start of this article.

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