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Leslie Ramirez
Unexpected Life
In December of 1997, Leticia Arellano went into her gynecologists
office for an annual pap smear, what she did not know was that she was
going to walk out of that office with a lot more then just that. Dr. Eva, the
gynecologist, had a very tough morning after hearing that her father had
passed away. She was upset and distracted, so when her assistant told her
that she had an insemination in room 4 and a pap smear in room 5, she
misunderstood. Dr. Eva had accidentally inseminated Leticia instead of her
other patient. Did I mention that Leticia was a 20-year-old virgin? Dr. Eva
walked into her other patients room and said, Are you ready for your pap
smear Ms. Bailey? Bailey responded quickly saying, Dr. EVA! I came here to
get inseminated not to receive a pap smear. That is when it became clear to
Dr. Eva what she had done.
Leticia had gone about her daily routine. She went to work, then went
out to have a drink with her fianc. As Leticia walked to the restroom, she
received a call from Dr. Eva. Dr. Eva had told her everything that had
happened and that she was terribly sorry, but that all they could do now was
to wait until Leticias test results came back. Leticia returned to the office
two weeks later to find out that she was pregnant. Leticia immediately left
the office crying, certain that her fianc, Joe, would not want to marry
anymore. Surprisingly, Joe was completely understandable and told Leticia
that she had nothing to worry about, he was going to be with her no matter

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what. Nine months later and the Newly weds became parents to a beautiful
baby girl who they named Leslie.
Leslie lived a wonderful and healthy life until she turned six. On the
day after her sixth birthday, Leslie became extremely sick and was rushed to
the hospital. After examining her, the doctors presumably knew what she
had, but wanted to run some tests before they told Leslies parents anything.
The doctors told her parents that they were going to keep her in the hospital
overnight for observation and that the test results would arrive in the
morning. The sun shined through Leslies window the next morning when the
doctors came in to the room to call Leslies parents into the office. The doctor
told Leslies parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ramirez, your daughter has stage three
leukemia and we need to find her a bone marrow donor that is your
daughters match, if you want her to survive. Leslies parents burst into tears
not knowing what to do. The doctor had them both give a mouth swab
sample to determine if they would possibly be a match for their daughter,
but they werent. Knowing that Joe was not the birth father, Leticia went in
search of Leslies biological father. She went back Dr. Evas office, after six
years, demanding to know who the biological father of her child was. Dr. Eva
couldnt give Leticia any information because the donor of the sperm asked
to never be contacted about anything regarding his child. In desperation,
Leticia went crazy to find a match for Leslie. Leslie had been her miracle
baby and she could not lose her at any costs. Leslie was a fighter, but she
still needed to find a match as soon as possible if she wanted to live.

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Less then a year passed when Leticia had finally found a match for
Leslie. Leslie had the bone marrow transplant and then underwent chemo
therapy for four long months. During those months, Leslie lost all her hair
along with that beautiful smile she carried not that long ago. She was no
longer the child she used to be. On her 7th birthday, Leslie received a diary in
which she wrote everything in. She enjoyed writing very much, it was the
only thing that brought her happiness. Soon, Leslies last day of chemo
arrived. She was ready to go home! Finally, after a year of suffering in a
hospital, Leslie was back home.
After that, Leslie lived a normal life again. She attended a private
school for middle school and high school in which she met the love of her life
Xael at age 16. Xael and Leslie did everything together. They had a real
connection, well at least she thought. Leslie wrote all about him and the
things they did in her diary, she even saved receipts from every date they
had gone on. Leslie hadnt felt this happy ever since before her cancer,
which Xael knew nothing about.
Over the next couple of weeks, Leslie had begun to feel sick. She didnt
want to say anything because she didnt want to scare her parents, but also
because she didnt want to loose Xael. One night, Leslie had stopped
breathing and fell to the floor while having dinner with her parents. Her
parents immediately rushed her to the hospital. Leslies doctor told her
parents that the cancer was back even stronger and more aggressive. She
had weeks, if not days to live. He felt very sorry. Although she knew she was

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dying, the only thing Leslie could think about was Xael. She had called him
and told him what had happened but he never went to visit her. Two weeks
later, Leslie called him demanding answers but the only he could say was,
Im sorry, but Im just not ready to date someone with cancer. Leslie was
devastated. Her doctor let her go home because there was nothing else he
could do to help her. Leslie went home and a couple days later died beside
her parents. Her parents eventually found her diary and they tell her story till
this day.

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