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The Spanish healthcare service is regularly rated among the worlds best and Global health

indicators in the country have been improving steadily since the 1970s.
In the last decade there were few cases of preventable returned diseases ,such as the Diphteria in
2015, but the Spanish authorities immediatly fought it and re-stressed the importance of get
On 6 october 2014 , the WHO was informed of the first confirmed autochthonous case of Ebola
virus disease in Spain. On the 21 of the same month ,Spain was considered free of Ebola infection.
There have been no further cases since this day in the country. WHO commends Spain for the
measures put in place to identify potential cases and prevent further transmission of the Ebola virus.
Therefore , the main purpose of spanish government it's to make available all its knowledge and
competence to support every countries in need with the complete elimination of preventable
diseases as final task , objective that could be reached only with an international cooperation

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