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Cervix cancer causes

1. HPV( human papilloma virus )

Human papilloma virus infection is a sexually trasmitted virus
Two types of HPV are known to have the highest risk of causing cervix cancer:

HPV 16 type- which accounts for around 50-55% of all cases

HPV 18 type- which accounts for around 15-20% of all cases

Futher 11 type of HPV also have a higher chance of causing cervix cancer

2. Many sexual partners, becoming sexually active early

3. Cigarette smoking
4. HIV infection and having a weakened immune system
Ex: taking drugs after an organ transplant or having a disease such as AIDS
5. Using birth control pills for a long time
6. Giving birth at a very young age/many children
7. Genetic factors
8. Several pregnancies
9. DES(diethylstilboestrol)
is a hormonal drug that was prescribed up until the early 70's to prevent miscarriage

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