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Senior Project


What is civil engineering

civil engineering deals with the designing, planning,

construction, and management of infrastructures such as
highways, bridges, airports, railroads, buildings, dams, and

Construction engineers are very unique because they both could

be labeled as civil or construction engineers.

Differences between civil and


The difference between a construction engineer and civil

engineer is only at the educational level.

Civil engineering students concentrate more on the design work.

This requires them to take a lot of design courses.

This is required because it allows you to understand both the

design functions and building requirements needed to design and
build today's buildings


Pay for Construction Project Engineers in the United States is

around $57K annually.


Medical benefits are awarded to nearly all, and a strong majority earn

Construction Project Engineers who took the survey are mostly

men, at 86 percent.

Job description

Construction projects are typically massive undertakings, and its

the construction project engineer's job to coordinate the
construction team to safely turn blueprints into finished


Bachelors degree in engineering


Civil engineers usually work full time, and about 1 in 4 worked

more than 40 hours per week in 2012.

The End

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