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Criticizing idol worship of Hindus

abolishing the practice of Sati Pratha.

removing the weakness of Indias youth of the time, both physical as well as mental.

Removing religious dogmas and superstitions;

to revive the true meaning of Hinduism;

to inculcate, in the youth of the country, a sense of proud and worth so that they could
face the world with confidence.

against any kind of social evil perpetuated by religious logic and dogmas

Removing the concept of untouchability

uplifting the status of the women;

great support for widow remarriages;

against polygamy and child marriage

help poor people in distress, people on the streets and poor children.

womens education

open school for girls

emancipation of so-called lower castes and especially the Untouchables;

uplifting the so-called lower caste people and untouchables,

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