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Gianna DePalma

EEU 205
Weather and Climate Rationale

The unit entitled "Weather and Climate" is designed for 4th grade students. This unit will
focus on each of the seasons and how they work, the weather patterns, hot and cold temperatures,
how weather changes, and the students will eventually be able to identify the weather. During
this unit there will many activities, inquiries, discussion, and other educational resources that the
students will be doing to comprehend and learn the material. Exposure to vocabulary is a huge
part of this unit because there are specific words the students will need to remember along with
their definitions in order to understand the material.
According to the Pennsylvania Department of Education Standards:

Standard 3.3.4.A5 Describe basic weather elements. Identify weather patterns over time.
Standard 8.1.4.A Identify and describe how geography and climate have influenced
continuity and change over time.

When the unit is over the students will be able to identify the four seasons along with details
about them and weather patterns. The students will be able to identify the weather and know the
difference between hot and cold illustrated through a thermometer analyzing Fahrenheit and
Celsius. The students will have a clear understanding of how the weather changes because of
pollution and they will know why weather and climate is so important today.

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