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Teacher Candidate: Miss Gianna DePalma

Date: February 19, 2016

Cooperating Teacher: Dr. Varano

Coop. Initials:

Group Size:

Grade Level: 4th


Subject or Topic:

Allotted Time: 45 minutes

Hot and Cold


3.4.4.A1 Understand that tools, materials, and skills are used to make things and carry out tasks.
3.4.4.B1 Describe how technology affects humans in various ways.

I. Performance Objectives:
1. Fourth grade students will construct the differences between Fahrenheit and Celsius
by correctly writing their own temperatures on a thermometer.
2. Fourth grade students will match clothing for hot and cold with the appropriate
temperatures in Fahrenheit and Celsius.

II. Instructional Materials:

Video: "Reading A Thermometer" (YouTube)
Numbered thermometer handouts (25 each) (see attached)
Red markers (10) (children will share)
Fahrenheit and Celsius handouts (8) (see attatched)
Cut outs of clothing attire (4 per group) (see attached)

III. Subject Matter/Content

A. Prerequisite Skills
1. Basic understanding of the difference between hot weather and cold weather.
2. Basic understanding that there are ways to tell temperature using degrees.
3. The students will need to have an idea that temperatures are everywhere,
whether it is in a car, a pool, a house, weather stations, etc.

B. Key Vocabulary
1. Thermometer- a device that measures temperature
2. Celsius- a scale and a unit of measurement for temperature
3. Fahrenheit- a scale and a unit of measurement for temperate
4. Degrees- a measurement, usually expressed by the symbol " "
C. Big Idea: Reading Hot And Cold Temperatures On A Thermometer In Fahrenheit And
D. New Content
1. Students will learn another vocabulary word: thermostat. Thermostat is another
name for a thermometer which an instrument that is used in a house to tell the
2. Students will learn how objects that are present in the same room can be
different temperatures.

IV. Implementation:
A. Introduction1. The teacher will write a tongue twister on the board: "Whether the weather is
cold, whether the weather is hot. We'll be together whatever the weather, whether
you like it or not."
2. The students will say the tongue twister loud and clear to the best of their
ability as an entire class about 2 or 3 times as a fun warm up activity. This
should take no longer than 3 minutes.
3. Next, the teacher will have the students watch a 3 minute YouTube video that
teaches the lesson. The video is called "Reading A Thermometer."
B. Development1. After the video the teacher will write the vocabulary words with the definitions
on the board. The teacher will read and go over each word thoroughly as a class.
2. The teacher will ask the students if they have any questions about the
vocabulary words. The vocabulary words will remain on the board for the entire
length of the lesson. This is to help the students so they can refer to looking at the
board if they need to.

3. There are only 4 vocabulary words so this activity should take no longer than 68 minutes.
4. Next, the teacher will demonstrate on the board examples showing the
comparisons and difference between Fahrenheit and Celsius
5. For example, on the board the teacher will show the conversions between
Fahrenheit and Celsius. The teacher will write 0 degrees Celsius = 32 degrees
Fahrenheit. The teacher will tell the students that the degrees are different but they
equal each other in numbers. They have many comparisons, there are different
ways to show if something is hot or cold using Fahrenheit and Celsius.
6. Next, the teacher will hand out the red markers and the handouts to each
7. The teacher will tell the students that on the handouts are two blank
thermometers consisting of numbers of Celsius and Fahrenheit. (see attached)
8. The teacher will give direction to the students telling them that they will have
to make their own temperature by coloring in the thermometer using the red
marker, they can choose whatever temperature they want but they will have to
write the correct number that they colored up to on the thermometer and write if it
is in degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit.
9. The teacher will tell the students that the only thing written on this worksheet
is the red marker colored in on each thermometer with the degrees written right
next to it.
10. This activity should take no longer than 6-7 minutes.
11. The teacher will tell the students that there only ten red markers so the
students will be turn taking with the markers. Although this will be an individual
activity, the students will be allowed to bring or pass a marker to their neighbor.
12. While the students are doing this activity, the teacher will be walking around
observing and correct anyone who is doing it incorrectly. When the time is up
the teacher will collect their work.
13. The next thing the teacher will do is put the students into small groups. There
will be 7 groups of 3 and 1 group of 4. The teacher will be grouping them with
both boys and girls. They will not be in groups of just all boys, or all girls, they
will be split up and have to communicate and be comfortable with one another.
14. The teacher will pass out the next set of handouts and glue. There are 8
worksheets so one will go to each group. The teacher will also pass out the small
cut outs of clothing attire which will be four cut outs per group. (see attached)

15. The teacher will tell the students that in each of their small groups they will be
working together and will have to match the proper clothing by gluing and pasting
it right next to the proper degrees. The cut outs consist of a winter jacket, a long
sleeve shirt, shorts, and a bathing suit.
16. The teacher will tell the students that this activity should take about 8-10
17. When finished, the teacher will look at each of the groups paper. ALL of the
groups papers should ALL look the same because they had the same numbers and
same cut outs.
18. The teacher will collect their papers and later hang them up around the
classroom so their work can be presented for the rest of the week.

C. Closure1. The students will move their desks to form a big circle and go around one by
one and the students will have to each say a different a number in either degrees
Fahrenheit or Celsius.
2. The teacher will be observing and recording it on a piece of paper of each
student by simply putting a check by their name on the attendance list proving
that they participated in the closing of class discussion. This short speaking
activity should take no longer than 3-4 minutes.
3. The teacher will ask the students if they will start noticing and saying the
temperature in degrees at home or outside in the environment whether it is in their
pool, house, car, or on television. The students will give a thumbs up for a yes or
a thumbs up for no. If students but their thumbs down for a no, the teacher will
ask why.
D. Accommodations/Differentiation1. CC has an IEP because he has epilepsy, the teacher will pay very close
attention to this boy the entire time.
2. Also, the teacher will make sure CC is relaxed, having fun, and engaged in the
3. The teacher will put the students into small groups by grouping them with both
boys and girls. They will not be in groups of just all boys, or all girls, they will be
split up and have to communicate and be comfortable with one another.
E. Evaluation of Students1. Formative- When the students put their desks into a big circle and go around
the room one by one and say a degrees in Fahrenheit or Celsius, the teacher will

take note and record it on a piece of paper of each student. The teacher will ask
the students if they will start saying the temperature in degrees at home or outside
in the environment whether it is in their pool, house, car, or on television. The
students will give a thumbs up for a yes or a thumbs up for no. If students put
their thumbs down for a no, the teacher will ask why.
2. Summative- There is no summative assessment for this lesson.

V. Reflective Response:
A. Report on Student's Performance in Terms of Objectives


B. Personal Reflection
1. Was my tongue twister introduction exciting/effective for a warm up or could I
have done something else?

2. Was the YouTube video good and did it get a clear understanding across based
on the students performance?

3. Did the activities run well or were this disorganized and ineffective? How
could this lesson be improved?

VI. Resources:

Tongue twisters weather-Google Search. (n.d.). twisters weather

"Reading A Thermometer"

Inquiry Sheet 1

Inquiry Sheet 2

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