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SANTA SUSANA HIGH SCHOOL“ ‘Academics, Technical Arts, and Visual & Performing Arts” 3570 E. Cochran Street f Simi Vaioy, California 93063 Cl 205.520.6800 FAX 805.579.6385 ‘To Whom It May Concern: 3 am pleased to provide a summary of my work with Sabrina Hussey. I teach artat Santa Susana High School in Simi Valley, California where Sabrina was a student of mine during the course of her high school years, Since I have known Sabrina I have experienced first hand, the creativity and ‘thoughtfulness she approached each project with while taking my art courses. Sabrina and | would frequently brain storm ideas while planning projects and the results were always thought provoking, and beautiful! Sabrina asked me to be her mentor on her senior project this year and | was delighted to assist her. Sabrina decided to plan an art show in order to promote pancreatic cancer awareness. She solicited her friends to create original artwork, which was to include the color purple in the color scheme. The art would be sold and the proceeds would go to fund pancreatic cancer research. This is a cause thatis near and dear to both her and her mother's heart as Sabrina's grandmother passed away from pancreatic cancer a few years ago. Sabrina promoted her show by making posters and hanging them around campus. Loffered to give students of mine that participated extra credit for their submissions to the show. Sabrina and | decide to hold the show in my art room after school on a Friday. Sabrina planed the show, secured the necessary paperwork and labeled and hung the art in preparation for the event. Through the course of this project, Sabrina showed her ability to plan, organize and promote her project and the results were impressive! She had more than 25 entries in the show and was able to raise more than $200.00 for the cause. Since her beginning years in high school, | have seen Sabrina mature as an individual, gaining confidence and taking on leadership roles. She is a caring, conscientious, and motivated ‘young adult who has shown the ability to Jead and collaborate with others as well as a commitment and loyalty to a cause she feels strongly about. | look forward to seeing what the future holds for her and I am confident that she will be a success in whatever field she chooses to pursue after high school. Sincerel Mary Schulte ‘Art Teacher, Santa Susana High School SANTA SUSANA HIGH SCHOOL = EXCELLENCE http:

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