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Name ___________________________

Date ____________________

Moderate Subtraction Word Problems

1. Nancy buys 84 pieces of bubble gum.
She gives 12 pieces to her friend Karen and
17 pieces to her other friend Dotty. How many
pieces of gum does Nancy have left?

2. Judy buys a case of lollipops. A case contains 144 lollipops.

She immediately gives 32 pops to Mrs. Birkstorms class. Judy
remembers that she needs to save 42 lollipops for Principal
McNamara. How many more lollipops can she give out and still
have enough left over for Principal McNamara?

3. Candy truck accidentally dropped some of its cargo. The truck

driver looks at the cargo chart and it indicates that the truck
started in Buffalo with 496 cases of candy. The truck driver
successfully delivered 112 cases of candy in Rochester and 74
cases in Albany. The remaining cases of candy are missing. How
many cases of candy are missing?

4. Jill won a huge jar of candy corn by guess the exact number of
candy corn pieces in the jar. She guessed 472. She gives 100
pieces to her friend Sarah. After a month of snacking off the jar,
she counts the number of remaining candies. She counts 187.
How many pieces did Jill eat over that month?

This subtraction worksheet is from

Name ___________________________

Date ____________________

Answer Key

1. 55

2. 70

3. 310

4. 185

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