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Introduction: We are school friends that live in different countries (Jose in Paris,

Gustavo in Brazil and Ximena in Australia), but when we came back to spent
time with our families for Christmas and New Year. One day weve run into and
decided to take a trip.
X: Hey boys. Lets take a trip!
G: Great! I hope that Well travel to the Peruvian forest.
J: We should travel to Mancora.
X: I prefer to go to the forest.
G: So, the forest will be.
J: Ok, Its two against one, but on the other hand, Mancora has amazing
G: Just forget it. Our trip is going to be so exciting.
X: Why dont we go to Iquitos? Ive never been there.

G: Look at these guys, there are goofing off outside the school or they are poor
children and they need to work for food.
X: I believe is the second one, their clothes are stained and look apprehensive.
J: Let me think about that a moment, we could`ve bought a new school through
an NGO (Non-governmental organization) and give them education and food for
themselves and their families.
G: So, we strike a compromise for them. I wish I`d lived here to foster the
education constantly.
X: I hope the children will get a solid foundation and a new way of life with our
J: Definitely, I hope we will stick it out and achieve our purpose.
G: Does anyone have the hotel address?
X: I mustve forgotten in the other poise.
J: You shouldnt have shared the address too.
G: Dont worry, every think is going to be OK. Here are a lot of fleabags and
also restaurants. Let me search on the internet.
J: I trust you man, while searching, he should found a good restaurant.

X: Yeah, in starving, I Hope We could found a traditional one.

G: (phone call) Hello, Ximena, Im behind the block, you have to come here
right away.

X: If I hadnt eat suri, I wouldnt been so sick.
G: I hope you get better as soon as possible. I may ask the guide, what should
you do?
J: I strongly believe if we had gone to fast food restaurant, you wouldve been
X: I wish I hadnt eaten that worm.
G: I get it, Xim, the guide recommended that you should drink this medicine.
X: Thank you so much! Without a doubt, this is a memorable trip.
J: Yeah, This is an inspiring place and the atmosphere is fascinating.
X: Youre right, this is a good way to escape from our hectic schedules.
X: This landscape reminds me of one of my favorite movies
G: Whats the name of the movie?
X: I really cant remember the name, but is a tearjerker one
X: Tearjerker are one of my guilty pleasures.
G: Ha ha, no way!
J: I dont think you should be embarrassed. Actually, I like some chicks flicks
G: No way, I prefer a good blockbuster one with super heroes instead. Unless
theyre predictable, theyre inspiring.
X: Ha ha, I normally hate blockbusters.
G: Im up for trekking across the forest. Dammit, I wish Ive recharge the
cameras battery. I wont be able to take photographs of this priceless moment.
J: Guys, look what a wonderful waterfall.
X: Where is the tour group? Oh no they left us back behind.
G: Bear Grills recommended that in these cases, people was better kept in one
place and wait for the escapists.
J: Looking this waterfall, we are closed to die.

X: Whats up? Can you heart that?
J: Its like a helicopter. I hope that theyre the escapists.
G: I take out my hat! Were safe now.
J: I will never forget this trip. Ill always keep it in my mind.
G: The fly attendant announced my flight to Rio de Janeiro. I have to get some
money from the ATM.
X: We may repeat this trip the next year, and Mancora will be the best option,
wont it?
J: Great. Im going to notice in my agenda. And also Ill give you some souvenirs
from Paris.
G: Why not Rio de Janeiro? Ill graduated the next year too. You are invited to
the ceremony.
X: Certainly! Ill miss you boys, I Dont bond with some like you in Canberra. Its
so late, my flight to Austria is now. Bye Boys.
G: See you the next year then.
J: See you and I will send greetings from France.

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