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Shringar: Sangam, whenever I go there it feels special. Sangam is the reason I

always want to stay in India, in Prayagraj. I wish everyone could get a chance to
visit sunset of sangam, being in the mid of river Ganga, capturing the changing
colour of sky and water at the same time.
Hasya: This is the most common ras, that I experience ever minute. Let’s go
back to my childhood days, when I tried ‘Listerine’ mouth wash for the first
time. Me and priyanshi my friend tried it and we went to each person in the
house and gave the smell of our fresh breath to everyone. And when we were
done with the family members, we both decided to smell each other’s breath.
She smelled mine and when it was her turn, instead of using my nose and
smelling her breath, I basically used my mouth and exhaled back to her.
Karuna: Not so early morning, I was attending my online classes, when an
ambulance come and took my Amma, the one who never wanted to get
admitted ever of one day. And because of the online class I was not aware that
she had gone. At that very moment I experience a hint of anger on the college
for keeping online classes in mid of a pandemic and a huge burden of sorrow
that I will never be able to see her again. Till this date I imagine and curse
myself for not being there for her.
Raudra: Alarm clocks alarm clocks and specially morning alarm clocks. The
amount of anger I have for those alarm clocks is equal to a volcanic eruption.
And not just alarm clocks for instance anything in this world waking me up
becomes my enemy. For example, once I broken a glass window with my bare
hands, and the reason was that somebody was irritating me in my sleep. And
ma’am in the pervious class, I was the one directing anger of the class towards
those morning alarm clocks.
Veera: As I was talking about my hate on alarm clocks, so the most heroic or
‘Veerta’ work I have done would probably be, taking volleyball as a sports and
going for 6:00 AM morning practices. No more clapping I know I m a hero
fighting my own fears.
Bhayanaka: “The wrong turn”, it’s a thriller movie based on a group of three
cannibals. And I had goosebumps and my heart was about to jump off my
body, saying ‘Thik hai bhai, ab mai chalta hu’ but fortunately the movie ended
before that.
Bibhatsa: So there was a video I saw on Instagram, where a dog was being
molested, or wait let me quote it in a harsh be exact way, the dog was being
raped by an old man. I don’t have my words to describe that feeling, but for
sure it was not a good feeling.
Adbhuta: For some assignment I was doing a research work on Ellora caves,
Khalisasa temple and my god that 100 ft tall and 160 ft wide temple is carved
out of one single rock and with such integrate designs. I had my eyes coming
out and going towards the laptop screen. Khailasa temple is for sure a gift to
Shanta: Submitting the assignment just 5 sec before the deadline and knowing
the next day is Sunday, nothing could match that level of calmness. The
weekends act as tiny relaxation period in our busy lives.

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