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Gun COntrol

by Joao Neto
Table of COntents
1. Introduction
2. Facts about Gun Violence
3. Activists Story
4. Celebrity Involvement
5. How Others Can Help
6. Solutions to the Problem
7. Conclusion
8. Works Cited

Gun control brings too much violence in the world. In these days it's dangerous to walk in the
street because you can get shot.


1. Did you know that one in three people in the U.S know someone that got shot.
2. An average of seven children and teens under the age 20 are getting killed by
guns every day.
3. If you have a gun in the home it is 22 times more likely to be used to kill or
injure in a domestic homicide, suicide, or unintentional shooting to be used in
self defence.

How Others Can Help


1. I think that we cant wait until the cops or the president do something
about it i think that we should stand up and do something to stop crime.
2. We should make some projects in the school so the kids the new
generation understand gun control.
3. People got to be more responsible to the country and respect the

Activists Story

Imagine somebody kill you neighbor and you go talk about that and then they kill you
too, well thats what happened to this guy called Ravor Jordan his spoke in the City COuncil

meeting to protest. He urged council members to shut down the crime ridden Cambridge
arms apartment complex. Jordan told council on May 12You shouldn't be paying to be killed or
murdered in your own house. When you move into a home, you shouldn't be expecting to die.


I feel like
people should wake up and stop killing other
people because you're not gonna get a trophy or something your not gonna get powers or be
rich by killing people why dont everybody work and be happy the whole life born and die
without violence I think that some adults even teen agers should wake up and think about
what they're doing.

Works Cited

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