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Section: ______________

Out of 25 points:
Target: 25-22

Acceptable: 22-19

Unacceptable: 19 or lower

France Unit
Instructions: For numbers 1-5, match the person with their largest achievement. (one
point each)
1. __C__He was the self-appointed First Consul of France.
2. __B__ Her job as the Queen of France was to produce a male heir for King Louis
3. _D___ His most famous sculpture, The Thinker
4. _E__ His artwork is most famously made up of thousands of little dots.
5. __A__ Known for his fashion sketches and designs.
a. Christian Dior

b. Marie Antoinette

d. Auguste Rodin

c. Napoleon Bonaparte

e. Georges Seurat

Instructions: For questions 6-10, define the following words: Wording of Answers may
vary (two points each)
6. exile- to be forced to live in a distant place
7. pigments-a substance used as coloring

8. guillotine- a large machine with a sharp blade that slides down a frame, used
to cut off the heads of criminals
9. treason- to commit a crime against ones own country/government

10.abdicate- to resign from an important position

For number 11, sketch out three rough designs of some symbols cavemen used in the
caves of Lascaux. (3 points)
animals (such as deer, gazelles, wolves, bears, etc.), or abstract designs (parallel
lines, four sided shapes, geometric designs, etc.)

Short Answer: For questions 12-15, answer the question with a phrase or a sentence.
12.Who discovered the cave art at Lascaux? (2pts)
Four French teenagers who were exploring

13.Pointillism was the painting technique used by George Seurat. How did Seurat
complete his paintings? (2pts)
Using thousands of tiny dots land close together to make the viewer see a certain

14.Napoleon Bonapartes biggest defeat came from a battle in the country of

Belgium. What was the name of this battle? (1pt)
The Battle of Waterloo
15.Why did revolutionaries want to kill the King and Queen of France? (2 pt)
Unfair tax laws, they left the capital when the country was falling apart,
wealthy lifestyle that people were jealous of

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