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Executioner- Props

The Executioner
Prop number 1- Fake weapons e.g.
axe, butcher knife/knives, these
props are used for the Executioner as
he uses them for torturing purposes.

The Executioner
Prop number 3- Multiple printed
pictures of targets with fake blood
spilt over it (Oakgrove students) .

The Executioner
Prop: Black
We choose a black
masks as it looks
more menacing and
mysterious. We
choose black as most
horror films use
colors such as black
and red as it
connotes danger and

The Executioner
A chair is needed for the scene
where the victim is shown in pain
after being tortured.

The Executioner
Make up- this is going to be
applied to the victims body.
The executioner also has blood
on their weapons to show the
audience that he regularly uses
the weapons.

The Executioner
Rope- The rope has many uses, such
as being used to die the victims
down to the chair and also being
used to hang one of the victims .

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