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Works Cited Lists

MLA 7th Edition (2009)

Basic Steps:
1. Find the example for the type of resource you need to
cite (online book, magazine article, photograph, etc.).
2. Follow the example as closely as possible, and follow
general rules listed below for all citations.
3. Need help? Ask at the Writing Center or Library!
What if there isnt an author, a publication date or name?
If there is no author information, start citation with the title.
If there is no date write this instead: n.d. (for no date).
No publisher? Write: n.p. (for no publisher).
Should I capitalize everything?
Capitalize every important word in a title, regardless of how
the original is typed, and capitalize peoples names.
What order are citations listed?
Alphabetical by first word of the citation, ignoring A, An, The.
How should dates be written?
They will always be written Day Month Year. For example 27
Aug. 1971. Months are abbreviated: Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May
June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Should publisher names be copied exactly from the source?
Publisher names should be abbreviated. For example: Yale
University Press = Yale UP; New Press = New P
How should multiple authors or group authors be listed?
For 2 or 3 authors: Last, First, First Last, and First Last. For
example: Andrews, Kevin, Susie Tanner, and Michelle Curtis.
4 or more authors: Last, First, et al. For example: Brown,
Frank, et al. Group author: Write as found in source.
Government author: Country. Department. For example:
United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Always list
multiple authors in the order given in the publication.
What about Editor and Compiler?
Editor example: Mandelbaum, Paul, ed.
Compiler example: comp. Joseph Brown.
What about in text citations?
Find help at
*Please note: Works Cited citations are always doublespaced. Examples here are single spaced to save paper.

Book: Print
AuthorLastName, FirstName. Title of Book. PublisherCity:
PublisherName, YearPublished. Print.
Rushkoff, Douglas. ScreenAgers: Lessons in Chaos from Digital
Kids. Cresskill: Hampton P, 2006. Print.
Book: Chapter from an anthology, article in a reference
book, or Virtual Reference Library database
Author of Chapter or Entry. Chapter or Entry Title. Title of
Book. Ed. followed by Editors name. PublisherPlace:
PublisherName, Year Published. PageNumbers. [database
name if online.] Format. [date if online.]
White, John Valery. The Persistence of Race Politics. After
the Storm. Ed. David Dante Troutt. New York: New P, 2006.
41-53. Print.
McKinnell, Robert G. "Frogs." Environmental Encyclopedia. 4th
ed. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 2011. 712-15. Gale Virtual
Reference Library. Web. 4 Sept. 2012.
Book: Online, from source such as ebrary database
AuthorLastName, FirstName. Title of Book. PublisherPlace:
PublisherName, YearPublished. Database. Web.
Casson, Lionel. Libraries in the Ancient World.
New Haven: Yale UP, 2001. ebrary. Web. 4 May 2011.
Essay: Online from source such as Literature Resource
Center or Opposing Viewpoints database
Grossman, Edward. "Vonnegut & His Audience." Commentary
(July 1974): 40-46. Rpt. in Contemporary Literary Criticism.
Ed. Carolyn Riley and Phyllis Carmel Mendelson. Vol. 5.
Detroit: Gale Research, 1976. Literature Resource Center.
Web. 4 May 2011.
Article: Print journal
AuthorLastName, FirstName. Title of Article. Title of Journal
volume.issue (year): page number(s). Print.
Kauffman, James M., and Harold J. Burbach. Creating
Classroom Civility. Journal of Education 181.3 (1999): 1218. Print.
Article: Print magazine
AuthorLastName, FirstName. Title of Article. Title of
Magazine DatePublished: page number(s). Print.
Drucker, Peter. Beyond the Information Revolution. Atlantic
Monthly Oct. 2007: 47-48. Print.

Article: Online database, with volume & issue, from

source such as EBSCOs Academic Search Elite database
AuthorLastName, FirstName. Title of Article. Title of Source
volume.issue (year): page(s). Database. Web. AccessDate.
Fulton, Camilla. "Web Accessibility, Libraries, and the Law."
Information Technology & Libraries 30.1 (2011): 34-43.
Academic Search Elite. Web. 4 May 2011.
Article: Online database, no volume & issue, from
source such as Newsstand or CQ Researcher databases
AuthorLastName, FirstName. Title of Article. Title of Source
DatePublished: page number(s). Database. Web.
Lyttle, Kevin. Big 12 Coaches Have Mixed Views on AntiTaunting Rules. Austin American-Statesman 20 April
2011: C01. ProQuest Newsstand. Web. 6 May 2011.
AuthorLastName, FirstName. Title of Page or Article. Title of
Website if Different. Site Publisher. Date Posted. Web.
Date Accessed.
Wieder, Ben. Video-Game Rooms Become the Newest Library
Space Invaders. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
The Chronicle of Higher Education. 24 Apr. 2011. Web.
4 May 2011.
Website: Government
Name of Government. Department of Government. Publication
Title. Date Posted. Web. Date Accessed.
United States. Census Bureau. Statistical Abstract of the United
States. 2010. Web. 6 May 2011.
Video: From DVD or VHS
Title. Dir. Directors Name. Perf. Performers Name if
important. Distributor, Year of Release. Film.
Its a Wonderful Life. Dir. Frank Capra. Perf. James Stewart,
Donna Reed. RKO, 1946. Film.
Video or Audio: Online or streaming from source such
as YouTube, CNN, PBS

Visual Art (Seen in-person)

Artist LastName, FirstName. Title. Date of Composition.
Medium. Institution/Collection, City.
Perutz, Dolly Hellman. Bird Flying Machine. 1973. Bronze.
Central Park, New York.
Visual Art: Print book reproduction
Artist LastName, FirstName. Title of Work. Date Created.
Institution/Collection. Publication Title. Ed. Editors Name.
PublisherCity: Publisher, DatePublished. Page or Plate
Number. Print.
Picasso, Pablo. Violin and Sheet of Music. 1912. Picasso
Museum. Pablo Picasso. Ed. Jesse McDonald. New York,
NY: Barnes & Noble, 1993. 47. Print.
Visual Art: Online reproduction (website or CAMIO)
Artist LastName, FirstName. Title. Date Created. Institution or
Collection. Title of Website. Web. Date Accessed.
Close, Chuck. Big Self-Portrait. 1968. Walker Art Center.
CAMIO. Web. 6 May 2011.
Digital photograph (personal, Flickr, website)
Creator name or username. Title or description of
photograph. Media type. Website. Site Publisher. Date
posted. Web. Date accessed.
Brandychloe. Great Horned Owl Family. Photograph.
Webshots. American Greetings. 22 May 2006. Web. 5 Nov.
Personal Interview
Person Interviewed LastName, FirstName. Personal
Interview/Phone Interview. Date of Interview.
Rivera, Julian. Personal Interview. 24 Mar. 2000.
Personal Correspondence: Email or letter
Name of Writer LastName, FirstName. Subject Line. Message
to RecipientsName. Date received. E-mail.
Smith, Tammy. Re: Student asking for information. Message
to Jane Doe. 8 Apr. 2013. E-mail.

Creator LastName, FirstName. Title of Video/Segment. Title

of Website/Program. Publisher of Website, Date Released.
Web. Date Accessed.

Unpublished Essay (use for citing own paper)

KhanAcademy. Converting Fractions to Decimals. YouTube.

YouTube, 8 Apr. 2007. Web. 6 May 2011.

Smith, Tammy. War in Literature. Unpublished essay, 2008.

Lohr, Kathy. Controversy Swirls Around Harsh Anti-0besity

Ad. All Things Considered. NPR, 9 Jan. 2012. Web. 10 Jan.

AuthorLastName, FirstName. Title of paper. Format, Year.

For this handout and more information on using MLA Style,

see Your Kirkwood
instructor, Librarians, or Writing Center can help with
citations. Created for Kirkwood Community College by
Library Services. Updated 8/2015

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