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Application of Vipassana

in Daily Life
Mudita Buddhist Society
3 June 2009
By Bro Jason Ow

Taking Refuge in the Triple Gem

To the Buddha, we go for refuge

To the Dhamma, we go for refuge
To the Sangha, we go for refuge

Faith with Wisdom

Blind Faith
Wisdom is like our eyes
Faith or Devotion is like our legs

How should we take refuge?

Imaya Dhammanudhamma
Buddham pujemi
Dhammam pujemi
Sangham pujemi

By walking on the path of Dhamma,

from the first step to the final goal,
thus I revere the Buddha,
thus I revere the Dhamma,
thus I revere the Sangha.

Do we really walk the path of

The real refuge, the real protection, is the
Dhamma that you develop in yourself
Gratitude to Gotama the Buddha
for discovering and teaching the Dhamma
Gratitude to the Sangha who maintain the Dhamma in
its original purity through 25 Centuries until TODAY

What are the qualities of Dhamma?

Svakkhato Bhagavata Dhammo,

Paccatam veditabbo vinnuhi ti

Clearly expounded is the teaching of the

Exalted One,
To be seen for oneself (own experience),
Giving result here and now,
Inviting One to come and see,
Leading straight to the goal,
Capable of being realized for oneself by any
intelligent person.

Buddhas Teaching

Sabba-papassa akaranam,
kusalassa upasampada,
sa-citta pariyodapanam.
Etam Buddhana-sasanam

Avoid evil,
Do good,
Purify your mind.
This is the teaching of the

Dhamma - Art of Living

Many of time, we do not know

how to live happily
We created a lot of negative
energy and impurities in our
We, not only, make ourselves
unhappy, but we also make
other people unhappy
This is not a proper way of life

We have to learn the Art of Living and

Dhamma will start rewarding us!

Vipassana is an Art of Living

This is of utmost important

If we cannot use it in daily life, then it
is no better than performing a ritual of

Unwanted situations in life

Loses the
Start generating
balance of the mind


How are we not to generate negativity,

not to create tension?
How are we to remain peaceful and harmonious?

Some of the solutions given

One should divert ones attention elsewhere.

Running after sensual pleasures

Develop attachment

Some wise peoples advice:

Drink some water

Start counting 1,2,3,4,
Start reciting the name of a deity or saintly people

Enlightened Persons Advice

By diverting the attention, one

creates a layer of peace and
harmony at the conscious
One has not eliminated the
negativity that has arisen
One has merely suppressed it.
Sooner or later, this sleeping
volcano of negativity will erupt
and overpower the mind

Real Solution

Dont run away from the

Face it !
Observe whatever impurity
arises in the mind
By observing, we do not
suppress it , nor we give it a
free license to express it
Middle path

Mere Observation

When we starts to
observe it, the negativity
loses its strength and
passes away without
overpowering the mind.

Gradually all the

defilements are
eradicated and we
becomes free from misery

Not easy to observe

One does not know when it

has started and how it has
overpowered the mind
Too strong to observe
without reacting
Difficult to observe an
abstract defilement of mind
Abstract anger, fear or
Drawn to the object of

Discovery of the Buddha

Whenever a defilement arises in the mind, 2

things start happening at the Physical Level:

Respiration become abnormal

Biochemical reaction will start within the body

Practical Solution

It is difficult to observe
abstract defilements in
the mind
With training, one can
soon learn to observe
respiration and
Mind and Matter are
related to each other
One allows it to arise
and pass away without
causing any harm

Gradual Practice

It takes time to master

this technique
Gradually one will find
that one can remain
Even if one reacts, the
reaction will not be so
intense or prolonged
Seek warning given by
respiration and sensation

Self Observation

Act as a shock
absorber between the
external stimulus and
ones response
The mind remains
balanced and one is
capable of taking
positive action
Helpful to oneself and

Purification of the mind

Eradicating defilements
Changing the habit pattern of
the mind
Old habit:

Craving for pleasant things

Hatred for unpleasant things

New habit:

Just observe, dont react

Pleasant or unpleasant things
are impermanent

From the time of birth

Trained always to look

One never observes
One looks for the
cause of misery
Always blaming others
for ones unhappiness

Partial view

One sees things from

only one angle
Distorted truth
Any decision made will
only be harmful to
oneself and others
One must view it from
more than one angle

Totality of the Truth

Practise of Vipassana

See things inside

One who has learned

to observe reality
within soon realizes
that he is completely
responsible for his
misery or happiness
Madness of finding
fault with others goes

What does one react to?

An image created by oneself,

not external reality
Ones image of that person is
colored by ones past
It influence ones perception
of any new situation
But if one remains aware and
equanimous, one learns to
see reality as it is

Wisdom arises

Whenever someone
misbehaves, the
understanding arises
that this person is
One cannot react with
But will feel only love
and compassion for
the suffering person

Purpose of Dhamma

To practise the Art of Living

To eradicate mental impurities
To develop good qualities, for ones own good and
for the good of others

Two Qualities

Any person who progresses on the path of Dhamma

will have these 2 qualities:

A feeling of gratitude
Volition to serve others without expecting anything in return

These 2 qualities were notable in Siddhattha Gotama

3 Stages of Panna (Wisdom)

Bhavana-maya Panna
Develops within oneself,
at the experiential level

Cinta-maya Panna

Suta-maya Panna
Wisdom acquired by
hearing or reading the
words of others

Suta-maya Panna

Helpful in order to set

one in the proper
Cannot liberate, only a
borrowed wisdom
One accepts it as true
because of:

Blind Faith
Fear going to hell
Greed going to heaven

Lead to the next stage

Cinta-maya Panna

Cinta-maya Panna

Rationally one examines whether it is logical, practical

or beneficial
Develops his intellectual knowledge
Can be dangerous

Inflate his ego

Far away from liberation

Lead to the next stage

Bhavana-maya Panna

Bhavana-maya Panna

Real wisdom
Received wisdom and
understanding are
very useful and give
Can liberate you
because it is own
wisdom, based on
own experience

Example of the 3 Stages of Panna

A doctor gives a
prescription for
medicine to a sick man
The man goes home,
and out of great faith in
his doctor, he recites
the prescription

This is Suta-maya Panna

Example of the 3 Stages of Panna

The man returns to

the doctor, and
demands and
receives an
explanation of the
prescription, how it
Argue with

This is Cinta-maya Panna

Example of the 3 Stages of Panna

Finally, the man

takes the medicine;
only then is his
disease eradicated
The benefit comes
only from the 3rd

This is Bhavana-maya Panna

4 Major Segments of the Mind





Consciousness (Vinnana)

The 6 Sense Organs have

their consciousness

Eye Consciousness
Ear Consciousness
Nose Consciousness
Tongue Consciousness
Skin Consciousness
Mind Consciousness

The function of this part is

to cognize, simply to
know, without

Perception (Sanna)

This part of the mind gives an evaluation of good or bad, according

to ones past experience
A sound has come, from past experience, one recognizes it

Words of praise Good

Words of abuse - Bad

Sensation (Vedana)

As soon as a sound comes, there is a sensation on the body

When the perception recognizes it and gives it a valuation, the sensation
becomes pleasant or unpleasant, in accordance with that valuation
Sensation arises on the body and are felt by the mind

Words of

Words of



Reaction (Sankhara)

This praise
wonderful! I
want more

Words of



Reaction (Sankhara)

I cant bear
this abuse,
stop it !

Words of



Reaction (Sankhara)

Here is the real seed

that gives fruit, the
action that will have
results: the mental
Every moment one

Keeps sowing this seed

Keeps reacting with
liking or disliking
Keeps craving or

It makes oneself

3 Types of Reaction (Sankhara)

Writing on Water

Writing on Sand

Carving on Rock


End of a Day 1 or 2 Sankhara

End of a Month 1 or 2 Sankhara
End of a Year 1 or 2 Sankhara
End of Life 1 or 2 Sankhara
The next life will begin with a mind of
the same nature, having the same
qualities of sweetness or bitterness
We create our own future, by our


Teaches us the art of

dying: how to die
peacefully, harmoniously
Learning art of living
How to become the
master of the present
How not to generate a
sankhara at this moment
How to live a happy life
here and now

2 aspects of the Technique

Awareness and
Awareness breaking the
barrier between the
conscious and
unconscious levels of the
Equanimity does not
react, does not tie new
knots of craving, does not
create misery for oneself


Most of the time we will react to

the sensations pain or
But a few moments will come
when we remain equanimous,
despite severe pain
Such moments are very
powerful in changing the habit
pattern of the mind
Gradually we will reach the
stage in which we can smile at
any sensation, knowing it is

Self Reliance

We have to work
No one else can
work for us
Buddha can only
show us the path
Keep walking, step
by step, towards our
own liberation

The longest journey begins with the

first step

May all beings be happy!

May all of you enjoy real

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